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The continuing adventures of the reader who doesn't read story codes and needs to fuck right off....
I was reading free stories that people took the time to edit, write and post for my amusement. Naturally, I could not be assed to look at the story codes about (insert whatever it is that bothers me today).
The author had the audacity to INCLUDE that subject matter in the story. Can you imagine that?
Naturally, instead of just not continuing to read the story and going on my fucking merry way like a non-asshole, I had to send them a nasty gram!
Who do they think they are? Certainly, not my personal author writing stories that only I enjoy within a very narrow framework of fetishes and sexual desires that I maintain!! That's for sure.
So, I clicked "Send feedback" to the author and wrote the following angry screed;
I really enjoyed this story in the beginning but then you wrote that thing that was in the story codes that I didn't bother to notice until chapter seven. Now I do not like it!!
Imagine the nerve of the author, having received my "Constructive" feedback that essentially says that he wrote exactly what he said he was going to write, and I didn't like it - he didn't CHANGE it and make a new story to please ME!!
Instead, Eddie the author replied with "I don't know why you sent this. If you don't like a story you can just stop reading. You don't have to antagonize the author. Please fuck right off. "
Imagine that? He didn't want to hear from a guy who hated his story, for the simple reason that it contained stuff that the author said would be in it.
Now, if you will excuse me, I have to announce to everyone at the airport that I am departing in five minutes and let them know that I do not like this airport. I feel like everyone should know what I do and do not like.
--Some random asshole, esq.
(only to women)
Step One: Grow old. Doesn't matter how handsome you WERE.
Step Two: Do not become wealthy.
Step Three: Get a fat belly.
At this point, you are virtually invisible to women.
1. Staring at boobs: for some reason, if you stare directly at a girl's boobs, she WILL notice you again and be able to see you.
2. Make any sort of mistake (especially look at another girl's boobs) - your wife will notice you.
3. Try to relax. Your wife will immediately notice and your spell of invisibility will break and have something for you to do/take her some place.
If you were a teenager, you could sneak into girl's dressing rooms, or find some way to perhaps subvert crime with it. I don't know. It never worked back then for me.
However, the answer is absolutely nothing other than serving to remind you that you used to be cool/desirable and /or making you think that you used to be cool/desirable even if you were not.
Note: this power does not work when your daughter/wife needs/wants money. You cannot hide, in fact they can track you any where you may be hiding.
I have the title for a new story.
My Uncle's D and A is in my Jeans
I am not sure what it is going to be about. I was thinking a sassy and sexually open minded girl growing up in a house of women that are also sexually open minded. It may have no/little BDSM elements. I am going to let it percolate for a while as I finish up my other projects.
My current story is called I am tired of me.
I realize that the title sounds a little negative. People can get exhausted of being themselves - especially lately. This one is actually a celebration of someone who is breaking rules and taboos she never thought to break with a supportive husband as they enter the world of swinging/bdsm.
It was inspired by the idea that two spouses who have been married a long time, sometimes share "midnight confessions" where they tell each other their deepest darkest fantasies. In this case, she was like "I would like to streak and be told to do humiliating things..."
"really?" the husband replies
"Okay, but on one condition! You have to do whatever I say?"
Naturally, there is a little more nuance to the exchange than that but that is what my inspiration was. The first few chapters are here;
I have a complete short NIS story I'd also like to post, but sometimes when I post two stories at once people get bored waiting and tune out of the other story. (not sure why).
I have a HUGE catalog of stories. If you like one of mine, you can be sure that many of my old stories will also tickle your fancy. Dig in to any of those.
As we get near the Holidays, I do not know what my posting schedule will be like. I will try to do post new chapters daily.
I would have loved to do a Christmas story this year. Last year I did Christm-ass cums butt once per year. It was very popular
I thought about writing a sequel, but there is not enough time for me to finish before the EOY. If anyone is feeling like writing a "Next Christmas came all over my face" fan fiction with the characters I'd love it. That would have been the new title.
If you are feeling Holidays - that one will warm your stockings, or at least stiffen them if you jizz into them.
The CW recently concluded Star Girl. It was a great TV series and I've loved her comics.
They did a fantastic job with the story. Geoff Johns is an amazing writer and that's the reason.
I've decided to do a very short featurette with NIS themes about the characters. At first, I wanted rock-em-sock-em fights but I am terrible at writing those.
Would anyone be interested in an advanced copy of the three chapter short story to help me edit/offer feedback? if so, send feedback on here and I'll send it through the internal mail on here.
If not, I'll be posting it in the next few days as I slowly edit it.
I follow several British mums on Twitter that are very cheeky and have a funny sense of humor. One such is Michelle Jolly. Her humor is often coming to the door to answer for a delivery guy and asking questions like "Are you a carpenter? All you have to do is get your wood out" or "Would you like to come inside?"
She calls her Only Fans an "Only Flaps" site.
One of the other inspirations is Tracy Kiss, she's a British mum and Twitter influencer, has Onlyfans. She tattooed the a ruler to measure the size of cocks on her arm, routinely eats cum for health properties, etc. Will even feature her teenagers in some of her (non porn) twitter videos. Very open about her sexuality and what turns her on.
I love that sort of openly over-sexed British humor. When I wrote "My Sons Dared Me" I was picturing a woman just like her.
The kind that loves a hard slap on the rump, and a laugh over a pint in a tavern. The local "Slag" that everyone gossips about in a small British town, who is unrepentant "Let 'em talk, means nothing to me. They will anyway."
I wanted to do that sort of ascerbic wit that you see in shows with Ricky Gervais. "Oh, you are a proper cunt."
My Son's Dared Me was a story about a plump (not huge, but rolly-polly), big-tittied mum that lives in Godstone and flashes her tits on dares from her sons (obviously) as told by her straight laced nephew during his visit.
There is a lot more to it than having her nips hang out.
It took a lot out of me to write this short story. I am not from UK. I had to research and relearn what
order meals were eaten in, and adjust to concepts like 10 hot dogs to a pack as opposed to 8 where I am from. I was constantly revising the story to try to make it as authentic as I could.
I'd love to do another story about a fun, sassy mom like this - would that be something people are interested in? Sadly, this story didn't get the accolades that many of my stories do. I think it flew under the radar.
Ideally, I'd like to read one like this as well. I subsequently wrote a longer story about "Daredevil Mom". I changed up the formula for that one, and set it in America. I made the main character hotter, but I also made her more enlightened about her sexuality and open minded in general.
She also likes doing naughty dares, but not only for her sons, for her daughters as well. I had so much fun writing it, I had to write a follow on to that one.
That was a little more popular overall.
Is this a genre people enjoy? I never see stories like this.
As a reminder, i won't be posting much for the next week, then I'll start up with a new story, now that Cunt Next Door is complete.
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