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In Slovakia the Easter tradition is men whip the women and pour water on them.
It is believed to maintain their beauty and vitality in the coming year and the women are grateful and bring them drinks when it's over.
They basically invented BDSM and turned it into an annual holiday.
In the very distant past, one of my most popular stories to date was
Home Owner's Association: Big Day in Sunny Manor
Thirty three chapters, over 240,000 words, dozens of side characters - it is still one of my favorites.
Big Day in Sunny Manor was obviously a play on the term BDSM.
I modeled the community of Sunny Manor on many REAL kink-friendly communities in/around Tampa Florida.
There are many nudist resorts that allow for families but none that are 'kink-friendly' really.
Since this is all erotic fiction, I postulated a multi-phase housing development that catered to people who wanted to live in a place where kink wasn't shameful, and people could be free to live in open D/s relationships. It was a place where pony girls might be seen pulling a cart down a typical Florida suburb with manicured lawns.
I decided to write about a Family that just moved there. The father prepared the family for what would be there but he had not anticipated it would be THAT opening. As an example, he knew the pool was clothing optional, but he didn't know there was a special slave stall to hose them down etc.
I wanted to capture the feelings of a teenage boy growing up in a kinky family, who is not himself particularly kinky.
I've had people tell me that they really enjoyed the side characters that were sort of in the background. I based them on people I've known - like a Hispanic girl who was formerly an outgoing stripper that was not a stoic pony girl relatively fulltime.
The neighbors were based loosely on a friend of mine and frequent co-author. He subsequently wrote several stories about them at an earlier part of their life (Living the Dream and the Dream Gets Wetter).
I've had people tell me that they hated the story because they felt the people were cruel, and unnecessarily open about their fetishes - but again this is a fiction where no one was really harmed - not much different than a war movie - no one was really fighting a war. It was all make believe.
But the general idea was that the majority of people that lived there had decided it was up to the parents if they wanted their kids to live there. It wasn't a free-for-all community - for instance there were places where you can have public sex but you had to know about them and they weren't for teenagers. So while it was kink-friendly and clothing optional, there was still some boundaries.
About a year or two ago, I broke my own rule about publishing a story before I finished writing it. I posted HOA: Dolphin Shores - D/s
Dolphin Shores takes places much earlier. It's set in a much smaller trailer park community that has similar rules. One easter egg, is it has the same manager as Sunny Manor (I guess Eddie earned a promotion). In the original, his daughter was a sexy receptionist that sat on a dildo perch in the reception area of the community reception area.
In this, Bambi is a teenager who is interested in earning an "Eternity Collar" through an evaluation/certification process. Anyone can wear an eternity collar, but the distinction to have the certification from the community is sort of a badge of honor.
This story I wanted to tell about a loving couple where the father and mother DO have a better understanding of what to expect, and while they prepare the kids for what they will see - you can't truly be ready until you see it.
I left up about five chapters for a while but never got around to finish it (much like my Visiting Aunt Scarlet) story.
Well, the good news is that with Mike McGifford's help I did finish it. It's 13 chapters complete - so quite a bit smaller in scope than HOA: BDSM. There were a few subplots we started to go down that did not necessarily add to the overall plot but we managed to close the loop. I guess you could say if HOA: BDSM was three seasons of a beloved TV show, then HOA: D/S was one season of a spin-off.
I am half way through posting "Daddy I was Naughty" and after I am done, I'll start posting up HOA. I've been posting a chapter a day on average, sometimes a few days between.
I just wanted to let you know about it - and see that it is coming. I do need to still edit it and polish it up. If you are interested in the early unedited version and want to let me know if you find plot holes/big edit issues shoot me an email on here.
I was pleasantly surprised to see that I was nominated in the Clitorides for one story in the Incest category.
DareDevil Mom.
This is the story of woman who enjoys performing dares - not jumping through rings of fire, or dangerous stuff. She'll flash her tits, or do the splits for you in the nude - all you have to do is dare her. She loves putting a smile on faces and she sees performing dares a bit like granting wishes.
It was a joy to write this story, and I even wrote a sequel. If you want to check it out and vote - that's appreciated.
I am surprised I didn't place in the BDSM category because so many of my stories strike that iron, but I am happy to see Vulgus was nominated for Happy Birthday Cassandra.
I'll have to do better in 2023.
They said that time heals all wounds but it helps if you have antibiotic.
I appreciate those of you who noticed my absence. I am recovering from a very extensive bout of the flu. Feeling a little better now
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