Eddie Davidson: Blog


Polish or Polish?

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If you were able to hear me speak you would know that the first word was pronounced /Paul-ish/ which is what I attempted to do to "Cunt Next Door. The second use of the word was pronounced /Pole-ish/ which is how I like my single-moms dancing.

In any case, I don't know what kind of fuck up I had today on chapter nine of cunt next door. It was royal though.

I've had multiple errors. Here is the root of one of them; Mike and I worked on this together and there are times when a revised chapter sort of got folded into the flow of the story.

As I polish (the paul-ish kind) the story and add little details, embellish, and fix grammatical mistakes I missed key points when the entire text repeats between chapters.

The text seemed to fit nicely in both chapters.

My old process was to write a chapter and publish it IMMEDIATELY. I was so happy to share my stories that I'd just publish it as soon as I finished editing it.

However, my new process is to *COMPLETELY* finish a story and then go back and edit it, add illustrations and publish it.

What I am learning is that my memory sucks, and I am running into a new and unanticipated problem months after the chapter was written. I am hoping today's chapter nine was a one-time occurrence but thank you to the readers who are enjoying the story and pointed out the problems.

There were a couple others (chapter 3 somehow got copied into chapter 9). In any case, I think it is sorted now and there is NEW content in the final revised chapter nine, so if you read it earlier today, you may want to go back and double check.


Chapter Three as Nine

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I am not sure how the snafu happened, but thank you to the readers who pointed out chapter three was inadvertently posted twice in place of chapter nine.

I have already uploaded the correct file and I ask that you check back later. You can see the 'updated by' date will have changed in the upper right hand side when Lajeez or his webminions make the update.

In other news, I am finishing up a fun 11 part story about a woman who embraces her submission. It's called "I am bored of me"

I wanted to basically explore what it would be like if during midnight confessions with her husband she said "It turns me on to be told what to do, and to streak..."

The husband would respond with "Okay, but if we do this, you REALLY have to do what I say!"

"Really? You'd be into it?"

and then off I went writing what I feel is a fun, light hearted story with no blackmail, reluctance, or any real 'twist' - just a straight forward women who was tired of being a boring mom and wife, and who embraced her fantasies in a healthy and happy way.

I plan to get back to wrapping up NIS: Nude at Summer Camp. It was never intended to sit so long. My apologies. I just have one more chapter planned.

I will also try my hand at a couple short stories. I do not normally do those, but I'll see what I can do.

Would you like to help me with my stories?

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I've checked on the "Editor's wanted" board and I thought I'd make a blog post as well.

I am always on the lookout for a possible editor.

I had one that was PERFECTION. He cleanly and efficiently helped me with editing by proof reading and helped me triage grammatical goofs and story holes.

I do not like using external email so I'd just send it to him here on SOL and he'd come back with his suggestions and it worked like clockwork.

I miss that help and if anyone is up for it - I'd love it. I would suggest reading a few recent stories my existing catalog if you aren't familiar with my work to see what themes I write about. They tend to be longer stories that focus on character growth/relationships within a BDSM situation and include kinks/humiliation. That's a gross over simplification though. My inspiration is Vulgus if you are familiar with his work.

However, even if I cannot find a willing proof-reader/editor - what I could also use is a good sounding board to read some of my latest stories while they are in edit and offer feedback/suggestions. It's so hard to work in a bubble. Writing can be a very solitary exercise. I enjoy collaborative efforts, or at the very least someone saying "What about?"

I tend to finish writing a story completely before I start publishing it, so it is a slow process but I often produce a chapter a day. Is that something anyone might be interested in helping with?

You'd have access to the story before it is published, which means that the final version may be changed by the time you see it posted.

I'd like to keep it strictly here though on SOL email for privacy reasons.

Ending a story is like landing a plane

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I recently concluded "Cum Dumpster: Mom has an only fans".

There is really only two options to end a story. One is to end on a positive note with a conclusion "They all live happily ever after" and the other is to end on a cliff hanger.

I find the cliff hanger is seldom satisfying.

As an author, You want the characters to grow and develop and show that they learned something. They might be ready for another adventure but it is important to learn when to end a story.

I was once told "Think of the most interesting time in someone's life and write about that time".

I did that for Jerry. I wrote about how his relationship with his mom evolved and blossomed. I was criticized at first because many found him to be cruel to his mom.

That was intentional. I wrote it so that Jerry would feel guilty and so I could write how the mom felt she was the cruel one. She was enjoying this new relationship so much that she felt she was abandoning him as his mom to live out a fantasy. Those who stuck with the story long enough to understand that was the central theme of the story I hope walked away with that.

It was a wonderful story to write, and I feel like there could easily be a NEW adventure for Jerry. I would encourage anyone who liked the characters to play with it and write a fan fiction continuation.

I've been working on finishing my short Naked in School story (naked in summer camp). I have also started publishing Mike McGifford's brilliant "Cunt Next Door" story.

Imagine finding out your mother has been living as a sex slave next door for the last six months? you'd want answers. This is another story though that delves into the power exchange of the relationship. Mike writes far better than me, so it's a thrill to be able to wrap it up. There wont be a ton of pictures included with this story. Just a few.

I've got several other stories I've been working on. The gladiator brothel story idea hit some snags. I just don't write convincing fight scenes (IMHO) and I was unhappy with the direction of the story. Hopefully I will write something that sparks and inspires interest.

Two more chapters left of Cum Dumpster Mom

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Jerry's story was a real labor of love for me.

There is not enough representation of people with disabilities in kink. They don't define the character but they do help breathe life into the character.

The motivations and more importantly the self-conscious tribulations that someone who is in a wheel chair often goes through is helpful to give a unique perspective. It's GREAT to see them have a kinky life.

I could have written twenty more chapters on Jerry and his mom. I really loved them. I had this arc planned about a road trip to visit her mother and camp at Mount Rushmore. The location comes up a few times in the story and while it's existence is a travesty it is also important because it conjures up memories of a dad that abandoned him.

It was one of the last trips he took with his father. I was hoping that he'd realize that his dad's leaving wasn't his fault, and that he was taking on a 'dad' type role in the relationship over his mother and her only fans.

I also had this arc with "Tender Tits" (TT) the once prom-queen from his hometown that was turning tricks behind a gas station.

It was based on my own experiences with women like her. He let her move in on the promise she wanted to get off the drugs and wanted a better life for her son (little Jerry). I was going to have her do what girls like that do and rob him when she gets a craving for dope and go back to what was comfortable to her (her old life).

In the process, I was going to have Jerry catch her in the act and as I wrote it - I just felt like it was a whole lot of drama for very little payoff. I deleted all the chapters I had written and went with a happier ending.

We are down to the final two chapters. Any guesses where it is going? I'd love it if someone did write fan fiction about the character a little further on in his journey.

I think the story though ends with chapter 32 and I hope you will agree.

So what is next?

I decided not to post stories until I complete them.

I have about six in an unfinished state in progress. That includes the one that I mentioned about a body builder who joins an underground fight club for women. That's not at all out of the bounds of reality and there is plenty of stuff out there online about nude wrestling/MMA etc.

I also have a short NIS story in the works. I based it on a Summer Camp instead of a high school though.

My friend and fellow author Mike McGifford wrote this AMAZING Story "Cunt Next Door". It's well polished. It is about a girl and her journey into BDSM/coming of age. Her mom left her dad about six months earlier, but she's been living next door this entire time.

However, this story deserves a proper ending, so I won't post it until I finish that.

The only other story I have completed is "Mommy May I"

It is a short story about a woman that plays a simple childs game, which turns out to be a lot kinkier than she could have imagined.

So look for that soon.



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