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Eddie Davidson: Blog


Do I have a Genre?

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My influences in writing include Vulgus, MaryS, Vanessa Evans, Amanda Serve, Mike McGifford, ByDaSea.

I have written stories set in Post-Civil War Reconstruction, Fantasy settings like Game of Thrones, but 98% of them are in Middle America suburbs or trailer parks because I write what I know.

Most of my stories involve BDSM, Humiliation and all have some aspect of incest and taboo.

However, I don't think those are a "genre". They are on SOL, but to me they are more like a theme or element. Bondage is what is happening during the story, sex is a byproduct but none of that is what the story is really about.

I often enjoy writing stories where someone who has little to no understanding of BDSM is suddenly introduced to it. You could call that a "Coming of Age" story which is most certainly a genre but it isn't always applicable because the main character may already be of age.

The main characters are often flawed individuals, who are painfully shy or extremely bitchy and controlling. I enjoy that. I enjoy starting them with the flaw, using it as part of the story and then by the "Act 3" of the story they have made the weakness into a strength or evolved into something new.

You could also make a case for "Fish out of water" stories. The Nephew who visits his naughty aunt and horny cousins is a recurring theme.

You could make the case that some of my stories involve non-consent, but almost all of them are more consensual in nature. I don't mind a good blackmail story, but the main character always has a choice. I seldom blackmail any characters who weren't reprehensible to begin with. If I do blackmail a relatively good person, I usually give them a triumphant victory over their blackmailer.

I guess you could also make the case that many of my stories involve people dynamically developing a power exchange relationship. I don't think there are many authors who play with that theme. (If you know of one let me know).

What I mean by this is (As an example) is Do You Have a Big Dick, Why Not?

In that story, the shy girl that the main character likes has a secret life at home. She and her mom and older sister are camgirls. The reason for the title was the mom asks if him a question about the size of his cock. She implies that if he doesn't have a big dick, money or coke, then why is he wasting her time?

It was something a stripper asked me years ago.

In the story, the relationship evolves to him being sort of a "manager"/"Dom" and they establish boundaries/limits and develop a power exchange relationship of give and take where everyone gets what they wanted out of the story.

One of the more recent examples would be "Horny But Not Desperate" where the main character meets a mother whose daughter wanted to learn submission, and they also have a dynamic set of rules that they evolve as the daughter grows in her understanding and interest.

I also write NIS (Naked in School) stories, which I consider a genre, but I don't write enough of them to say that is my niche. I also tend to write a certain kind of NIS story that is unusual for the genre. Mine often involve more kinky aspects than most. (NIS: Puppy Student Program).

I kind of missed the ball on this one The acronym could have been PIS - Puppy in School, which would have been double entendre fun.

Are you able to articulate a "Genre" for most of my stories without simply picking a category of fetish?

I'd be curious what thoughts you have if you are an avid reader. I am surprised I have 850 readers but probably only 3 or 4 ever email regularly with any sort of feedback. I definitely appreciate constructive thoughts.

I don't have to have a genre label. I may never have one, but I'd be curious if I do without realizing it. Is there a word for the type of stories that I tell?

Wanking Festival (Micro Short Story)

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This father's day we held a Wanking Festival. The competition was stiff but I won because nobody else came.

The events were very hands on. My mum said she would help me beat off the competition. She was very proud of the pearl necklace I gave her for helping me cum in first, second and even a third place.


(Seriously though, that may be a fun story to write). A lot of hard practice a head.

Hands Full of Innocence - Chapter Five

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Today, I am posting up chapter four. It may already be published by the time you read this.

Hands Full of Innocence refers to Brunna's big huge knockers that are swinging on her chest. She is seemingly oblivious to what they can do to a boy Jason's age.

I was informed by a Brazilian person that the traditional spelling is "Bruna". Apologies, but a little poetic license was taken and the mom chose a non traditional name.

I was also informed that Brazilian women are not very chesty. That's not been my experience - especially during the Carnival. I knew a Bruna just like her - big old tits and I remember her slowly eat a pickle and contemplating as she did - and thinking just how amazing that mental image was. I tried to paint that for you in chapter three.

Speaking of paint, I am branching out to NSFW AI images. I can't say that I will EXCLUSIVELY use it, but I have used it to illustrate the title and chapters 1-4. It was convincing enough that the mods blurred the title character's eyes. She isn't a real person though.

I hope you enjoy those additions to enhance the story.

The first four chapters really just establish who Jason is and that he is a horny teenager who thinks about boobs night and day stuck on a cramped RV with minimal privacy and the ability to catch glimpses of his cousin's hot body.

Chapter five is where the real story begins. It takes a new direction. I won't discourage you from reading 1-4 but you can skip it entirely if you want to get to the 'meat' of the story.

One through Four is more of a prologue that helps paint the canvas background and setting. I wanted a hot southern vacation in a cramped RV - something many people can relate to. It sleeps "six" but not comfortably, and they have eight people.

There are 15 chapters - so enjoy reliving a summer vacation told from a teenage boy's perspective. This is a departure from many of my much more wild stories. It's still sexual but far more tame.

Mother's Day

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As it is a Holiday, I dont have much time to post today.

I was thinking of a short story on what Mother's day might be like in a D/s House hold.

Any thoughts?

I would encourage you to posting a short story.

What I learned about Voting On This Site

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Lajeez calls voting "The Great Mistake" because of how divisive the concept was.

He used to allow authors agency to choose to enable or disable voting at any time. My preference was turn it on around the 7th chapter.

My theory was that if you read that far into the story you should have enough to base a preliminary vote on. One chapter is never enough and trolls are likely not to keep coming back and checking to see if you turned on voting so they can be be an edgelord/get their kicks downvoting.

In a previous blog, I asked if it would be worth it to turn off voting just to take that thrill away from them. By default now, it's always on and you can't turn it off yourself. I thought Lajeez could disable it for all of my stories if I requested it (that's not the case).

Most thoughtful readers who vote are going to read story codes, descriptions, and consider whether or not to invest their time in reading my story. I am fully okay with getting a low score if I deserved it from a reader.

I do not see the problem with that at all. I try to fix missing story codes or errors. It's like software - you can't catch all the bugs on release.

What I am specifically addressing her are the twit brigade of toxic edgelords who create multiple accounts specifically to harass and downvote authors that write story content that they do not enjoy. These are typically manbaby children that drive off authors and readers.

They have weaponized their votes to be able to harass authors and discourage them. They are like flies at a picnic - impossible to get rid of because if you swat one, two more show up. They provide no value.

I'd imagine that their lives are so pathetic, the only form of control/authority they have is the ability to down vote a story. I just wanted to explore if it was worth giving up voting entirely to deny them that tiny little bit of control.

One observation was the reader doesn't even bother with stories under a 7.0. That's unfortunate.

Someone else wrote "The best stories on this site are in the margins" and cited their favorite story was around a 7.0.

Another person pointed out only a tiny fraction of users bother to vote. Typically people who would probably tend to vote on one end of high or low because they had a strong opinion to even bother.

My conclusion: Scores really don't matter. You are seldom going to get an accurate picture of most stories quality from the voting. It's a subjective popularity contest.

Obviously, a beloved story with hundreds of votes in the 9+ range is very likely popular WITH THE PEOPLE WHO LIKE THAT GENRE, but for the most part - there is a vast sea of 5-7 score stories that are there for any number of myriad reasons and there is no way to reliably know how good they are from those scores. You could take 100 stories with precisely the same scores and number of votes and they'll vary widely in quality because it's subjective.

The key to me is reading the description - not the score. If that hooks me, and I give it a chapter or two then I'll know if I want to read it.

The number of readers is also a good indicator but not entirely reliable. My first chapters always have higher readership because of how offline downloaders pull stories off the site. It does not mean the later chapters are worse.

Vulgus is a great example as well. He writes some GREAT shit. I've seen him post a completed 15+ chapter story in the "new stories" that gets few reads because people do not know about it.

It's an indicator, but not a fool-proof one. I'd trust the number of reads over votes though.

Mike McGifford is another fantastic example. His writing is 10X better than mine. Whether I deserve it or not, I have over 800 followers on here.

His writing is objectively better. His stories are incredibly well thought out. Yet, number of readers, total votes and scores may not tell that story.

Btw - if you are looking for a story like the ones I write (but better) try this completed epic.

Back to voting;

Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how you want to look at it, Lajeez informed me that the site no longer has the option to remove voting in any form or fashion.

My take away is to just let the trolls have a useless voting drop down button to play with.

They will never get to play with a real woman's clit, so they may as well get to mash that voting button to take out their edgelord rage against people who dare write a story with content/characters they do not enjoy.



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