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Eddie Davidson: Blog


How you can reward and motivate this author

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I do not want any donations for my writing in monetary form, but I do have a request that involves no money.

Let me quote Idiocracy "I love money, no, like I REALLY love money, tho."

As much as I love money, I STILL don't write for money and I wouldn't accept money. (I don't knock anyone who does - I just don't. That's not why I am here.)

Obviously, I could try to make some money with Patreon or Bookapy but I write for the JOY of it.

I write so that I can see through the eyes of my characters in real time as I pen down the most interesting point in their lives.

My endings are often terrible (IMHO) because I am trying to say goodbye to a beloved character and leave them somewhere that nothing interesting is happening or else I'd just keep going with that story and I have other stories to tell.

I take them as far as I think they need to go - obviously, more things happen to them later. I've done sequels to play with a beloved character again, but generally - at some point - we have to part ways, and I have to conclude the story, and that's difficult.

I also write for a selfish reason, and that is I write the kind of stories I would like to read. My hope is that it inspires people to write something like it/of the same theme, or even with those characters in a new adventure.

I have a couple deals that I made with myself:

1. Completely write the story before publishing it. I have two on here before I made that deal which are languishing because I don't know how to end the story. I don't like to leave readers hanging. (I will probably remove them).

2. Read as much as I write. Unfortunately, a small percentage of stories on the site interest me. I've read most of the older ones that I enjoy. I still find old ones from time to time that I missed.

I try to stay FRESH as an author. Exposure to other people's styles and ideas is helpful to keep me trying new techniques or types of stories.

I read as much as I wrote, but it has to be something that would potentially turn my screws.

If it is a story about Frankenstein riding a surfboard and granting wishes to his Futa Harem? or Lifetime Melodramatic movies about a busy exec who comes home for Christmas and meets her high school sweetheart selling Christmas Trees?

I'll be honest, I am not going to be able to read it. You can/should write that if that's your thing. Don't let me limit you! I am just trying to get you to write anything and hoping if you read my stuff - it's going to be up my alley.

I'll watch/read things that I do not want to do personally. I'll watch a Horror movie, it doesn't mean I want to participate in one and live through it. I write situations the same way, but they have to appeal to me on some level.

I get it; if my stuff doesn't appeal to you - wouldn't want to convince you otherwise.

What I want to do, though is ask you in the nice way possible - if you read my stuff and want to GIVE BACK to me? Consider writing a story if you haven't even done it before.

If you don't think you can, you are underestimating yourself.

I started out thinking nobody would read my stuff. Trolls actively discouraged me (And still sometimes do) but I keep going. I just hit block and keep rolling.

The ONLY people who are going to put down your story and discourage you from writing (besides you) are TROLLS.

If you are trying, and starting out - most authors on here will appreciate and lend a hand to you to get you started because we were where you are.

I certainly was and I certainly will. I am not the best. Am I trying to be? no. I am trying to have fun. It's FUN writing, not a chore and it shouldn't' feel like anyone is judging you.

Trolls are sad weepy little fucks that get their jollies knocking shit down and trying to make everybody else as frustrated as they are - who cares what they think? They are meaningless, their time is clearly worthless since they spend it trolling, so their opinions are equally as valuable as they are. They have so little power in their real lives that they seem intent on trying to have power over someone else's self-esteem. The moment you accept that they had none- they fuck off because they don't want to be reminded how sad they are.

(Which I just did, because IDGAF).

I spend zero fucks on trolls. I used to, but now I spend all my fucks on people who are worthwhile.

So here is my deal to you:

Let's say you are a fan of my stories and think "You know, I've enjoyed Eddie's stories...maybe I should give him something for his effort."

Give me a story. I'll drink the ink before it is dry as long as it's something along the themes of my stories.

I really don't give a fuck what you write, as long as it gets you off. I am just saying -I'll be flattered as hell if you write something I'd enjoy because of something I took my time writing.

Otherwise, I could just write for my personal edification and that of my friends, and stop wasting my time trying to fine tooth edit these stories before posting.

Hit me up with a press of contact author and let me know where you posted it/the name of it, or just send it to me in system mail on here.

I don't trade email addy's on any other site - here is just fine!

If you haven't written before, you probably have a lot of reasons that boil down to "I dont think I can"

You can.

Imagine you are sitting across the bar from me, and we are shooting the shit. We know each other well enough that it's not weird to tell each other stories.

I tell you some freaky shit about a mom that likes getting her ass slapped, and you enjoy it.


Think of a freaky situation, or the most interesting time in someone's life, or a coming of age, or basically a STORY YOU WANT TO READ BUT IT DOES NOT EXIST.

That becomes your 'premise' - sort of a seed of a story. That and a little time is all you need to get started.

Write What You Know/Like: If you aren't writing something you are interested in then don't do it. I don't feel I do fight scenes well or I'd write a bunch of stories that include it.

However, I do research things that I do not know to include in my stories.

In order to get started, don't do that. Just stick with something you know, and would enjoy. My world is middle America, Trailer parks, Suburbs.

Most of my stories are in that comfort zone of a setting that I can visualize and sink my teeth into.

After you do ONE story, you can think about getting out of your comfort zone, but don't do that at first. What's wrong with comfort, anyway? Take all the time you need, and you will grow as a writer with time.

I wrote a pretty cool story called "My Son's Dared Me" Set in the UK. I researched life over there - but it made me uncomfortable trying to write believable English characters. Stick with what you do know, and maybe even base some characters on almagamations of people you met and life experiences you had. They will ring true that way.

What I do is create the main characters and that initial premise. "Okay, it's a hot mom with big titties, and her son is getting bullied" and all the main characters and then I do something called Free Write.

You may be familiar with this concept;


1. Do not have any plan other than some characters and a setting/situation.

2. Write

Just put your fingers on keys and write. Do not give two fucks about story arcs, or grammar or punctuation - nothing. Just tell the story to your Uncle Eddie, while we sit in the bar and check out asses and tits and shoot the shit.

Tell a story, like you are talking to a friend you know. That's a good way to start.

That's what I do. "Free Write" - you are just telling a story and if you want to spend the whole chapter describing a meal, then do it.

See what you get. If you like it after you read it, edit it - spell check and tweak. Remove garbage, elaborate on the details.

You can get a tool called Grammarly for your browser to help you spell check, or the paid version. Ms Word. Editing is a bitch. I got nothing there to make that easy. Having something WORTH editing I can help with.

If you do that for me, I'll keep doing that for you.

I'll probably keep doing it anyway, because by writing I get to see the world through the eyes of my characters and enjoy living in their world instead of this shitty one - but I had to ask.

Give it a shot. You can even use a pseudonym to hide your account handle if you are worried about it.

SOL makes it SO easy to submit a story. It couldn't be simpler. It's just an upload wizard.

You get free membership if you publish enough stories - so that's nice.

Ren Fair Story: BDSM

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It is my strong belief that it is unwise to hold strong beliefs.

It is also my strong belief that the same people you see at BDSM meet ups, are usually the core rank and file at Ren Fairs, and the outfits have a lot of cross-over - big titty women with white tavern blouses, and tight corsets, leather vests, etc.

I will be taking a short hiatus from posting for the next two weeks (most likely) but I am working on a new story. I'll post it when it is complete. I am up to chapter 33 and about half way over.

I have a question for my readers (And those in general who care to offer constructive feedback)

**SPOILER ALERT** read no further if you don't want a spoiler - but keep in mind this happens early on in the story. It's context for the question. Skip past this to "Leaving Spoiler Zone in bold if you want.

The general premise of the story is that a woman catches her son masturbating to BDSM. She assures him it's perfectly normal. She's gregarious, fun-loving, single mom.

She tells him she's always been curious about being tied up, and asks if he'll do it just so she can try it out. At first, it's fairly harmless, fully clothed, but quickly she's like "well, let's do it right...I don't care if you see me naked.."

and it steamrolls into a fun story about a woman who isn't a "Submissive" in the classic sense, but she does like getting tied up and the snot spanked out of her.

Their relationship becomes a bit of a power-exchange as they work out the limits/boundaries. That's fun to write about.


By Chapter 33, they go to a Ren Faire, where they see sword swallowers, ribald performers, whip shows, and all sorts of semi-raunchy but not quite sexual performances.

I heard a performer at a Ren Faire once say "You only get the jokes you are supposed to get". He'd tell a dirty joke, but the kids in the audience wouldn't get it because it went over their head. If you are old enough to figure out what he is talking about - you are old enough to get it.

I am going to spend about 5-10 chapters on this day at the ren faire.

My question: Would it be fun to write a standalone about a BDSM couple who go to a ren fair just as a day in the life?

My concern is if you wait until chapter 33, you may not be excited about this, because it's not very sexual/wild like most of the story is up until this point?

As a great example of why I am asking, I wrote this story "Keeping the Babysitter in Line".

It's a 55 chapter love letter to growing up in the 80s and the quirky girls of the time with the big glasses that turned my screws as a young lad. The main character is a little too old to be babysat, but his mom sends him, and he has a crush on her anyway so he doesn't protest.

It turns out though, this older girl also has a secret life with her family where one weekend out of the month, they practice BDSM and it just so happens to be that weekend when he arrives. It's too late to send him home.

I loved writing this story.

Somewhere in the middle, I had the bright idea to write about the Rocky Horror Picture Show experience in the 1980s. It was GLORIOUS.

But I feel many people won't read 30 chapters in to get to that rich, delicious center and read it.

I've often thought I should extract those chapters and rewrite it a little so it could be a standalone story.

I feel erotic about going to RHPS, or the Ren Fair is fun stuff, because it is what people who practice BDSM regularly might do. It's not all "sex, sex,sex" - sometimes it's those neat events that sort of connect you to other freaky people as well.

Should I split it out? or save it as an easter egg for people who slog through 30 chapters to get there and discover?

Humperdink: The guy who never had an unexpressed thought

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Humperdink: The guy who never had an unexpressed thought: A short story.

Humperdink never writes stories and shares them. Instead, he accesses his free account to read stories. Humperdink never reads story codes or descriptions.

He reads a 17 chapter story he does not like. Instead of just moving on and finding one he does like, he decides "You know what the author would appreciate? How about if I email him to tell him why I, Humperdink, did not like his story and specifically mention the themes that were clearly in the codes as the reason. I cannot have a thought that I did not share. I am sure the author will want to read the reason that I, Humperdink, did not enjoy the story that they spent hours writing and editing."

Humperdink wastes his own time sending it. He wastes the authors time reading it. Then the author wrote this story which wasted your time. Please blame Humperdink. Do not be like Humperdink.

What's new:

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In the first half of July I may have to go on a 2 week hiatus of posting.

However, I have several stories to follow "Hands Full of Innocence".

I normally get a lot of feedback on stories like this but not much. I wanted to do a story that captured a little of what it was like on vacation for me in the deep south, and also tell a story about a teenager who is obsessed with tits and ass.

It's kind of what they call an "ENM" story or embarrassed nude male, but also ENF because there are times the women are nude too. I also intended to see where this story led me without trying to force it down a path and it surprised me.

I believed initially Brunna would be the focus, and while she is persistent this story slowly evolves into the Aunt wanting a young boy to "own" - but not like a cruel domme. She wanted to teach him to be a man/to fuck and to serve her.

She didn't feminized him or cuckold him, or humiliate him (really). She trained him to be an attentive lover, to eat pussy, to do things he wanted to do anyway. He just needed 'permission' from himself or someone.

I had fun with the bet at the end, and there are still two more chapters to post.

I believe that will be it until my hiatus is over. I still have other stories to post. I am up to chapter 27 on my latest story. It's not even halfway over yet. It's about a gregarious and outgoing woman who catches her son whacking to bondage porn. Instead of freaking out, she is like "Wow, I always wanted to be tied up...tell you what. I saw you jerk it, I'll let you get even. You can tie me up in the garage once so I can see what it is like"

That's where it begins. It zigs and zags from there.


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There are two stories I've never finished on this site. NIS: Naked in Summer Camp and Visiting Aunt Scarlet.

I lost my inspiration for those stories and I frequently think about going out and putting an ending on them. However, they would probably feel "forced".

Writing stories solo is a lonely process. Once I get to the end of the story, I know how it turns out. I am always tempted to just rush to the end so I can start some new and exciting adventure.

I call it "landing the plane" and no matter how you try - it's really hard to find a place to end if everyone in the story is still alive. There is more to tell.

I have a lot of stories where I reach a point that an ENTIRELY NEW story arc would begin if I kept writing. I fade to black and offer an epilogue about how their lives continued, or else i'd still be writing the first story I ever began.

As many of you know, Vulgus is probably my favorite author on the site. Many of his stories were written so well but there was always a "just one more chapter!!" feeling to them.

Which perhaps if he wrote an encore, I'd want yet another.

So here is what I am willing to consider;

Either YOU write the next chapter to any of my stories and either publish it yourself on here, or send to me and I'll add it to the end of the story if I think it fits.

OR send me 2-3 paragraphs outlining what happens in a SINGLE CHAPTER of about 14-18 pages typed. If the scope is too broad I can't do that. If it's another day or two in the life I probably could.

Tell me why you think this one deserves one more chapter and I'll do that.

I've been planning to put projects aside for a bit and go back and re-spell check my old stories. I've gotten better at that over the years. I just recently reviewed "My Sons Dared Me" and found several grammatical errors and at the time I went through that with a fine tooth comb.

My most recent story that I am working on is up to 17 chapters. The title is "Call Me Misty" - Misty has three teenage sons and a daughter. She's an independent woman with a sassy, fun demeanor. She catches her eldest son stroking to bondage porn. He is mortified but she doesn't see the big deal "everybody does it". Offering to prove to him that she is a good sport and showing some interest in the pictures - she points out they have a Cherry Picker in the garage and asks to see what it feels like to be tied up.

It's been fun writing but I need to take a little break - so I am willing to consider this as a side project while I wait for a little more inspiration on this story.

On the horizon; One of my most beloved stories is "Do you have a big dick, why not?"

It's about a shy teenage boy who meets a sheet teenage girl and gets an invite to her house. She warns him her family is strange but doesn't warn him HOW strange. Her mother and sister make their living webcamming and they do fetish shows instead of straight sex.

It's actually not uncommon in real life.

In any case, the mom is a former stripper past her prime, big tits, long bleached blonde hair. She asks him if he has a big dick when she first meets him.

"Because you don't look like you have money or cocaine, so if you don't have a big cock, I dont' know why you are talking to me."

Which, is something an actual featured dancer in a strip club once told me. If you couldn't do anything for her - don't waste her time.

A very patient reader, suggested based on my last blog that I revisit that story, and write a sequel. This would be several years later , and center around the main characters little brother and sister who were sort of whisked away to the aunt's house during the follow up story and never really developed.

We'll see how things evolved after that.



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