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Eddie Davidson: Blog


Why has Eddie Slowed Down Pumping Out Chapters?

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You know how sometimes you jerk off fast, and you enjoy it?

and other times, you want to go at a medium pace or even slower to get your rocks off?

Well, writing can be like that. There are times that I furiously knock out chapter after chapter. I wrote TWO books of Call Me Misty with over 20 chapters each.

They were rife with spelling and grammatical errors, but I knocked out the basic story that has been evolving. This story begins with a Mom catching her son jerking it to some BDSM porn.

This is not really a spoiler, but I will offer a little preview if you haven't read the story.

She is no prude. She tells her son that everybody does it, and she doesn't want to shame him about it. She sees he was wanking to some BDSM porn and admits she never understood that.

That's because (the back story) is that her ex-husband (and his father) and her tried it. Except it was all about him, and he treated her like a maid. She got a really bad impression of BDSM. However, she admits she always wondered what women got out of it.

This leads to a rather unlikely but entirely plausible scenario where she lets him tie her up - in part as a recompense for catching him beating his meat without knocking. Something opens up for Misty during that time and she experiences a sensation, or a desire that she's never had before. She gets a taste of raw adrenaline and so she wants to do it again.

However, she is ashamed of involving her son and feels it's inappropriate. She decides to find some guy to tie her up. That's easy enough. Unfortunately, he's a proper douche bag and ends up being irresponsible.

This leads to her son deciding that they need to have a safe and sane agreement about how they approach this play, and from there - new rules are introduced.

What I really wanted to do was create a dynamic power exchange relationship with people who really do not even realize that is what they are doing. They are defining their roles as they progress and that's what excited me about this story.

Honestly, I could go another 20 chapters of events after the second book concludes - so much changes and evolves. However, I feel I reached a proper stopping point for the story.

That still doesn't explain why I slowed down. I had some illness and personal issues that got in the way. That's always the case, right? Having fun and suddenly life wants to make you pay attention to that.

I get off on telling stories for two reasons. I've shared these before.

The first is I get to live the life vicariously through the eyes of the protagonist or storyteller. I get to be a fly on the wall. Often, I find myself compelled to write to see what happens next. When I get near the end, I am less inclined to write because now I know what's going to happen and I almost have to force myself to pay proper attention to landing the plane and letting the story end proper.

The second, and this is the selfish reason: I want to inspire others to write stories I might enjoy. My stuff isn't for everyone, but to the people that like it - they know why. I don't get much feedback but what I get is often very intelligent and analytic responses from people who seem to understand that I am not just telling a stroke story.

There is a strokable story, but the goal is often a transformative "it starts this way" and "ends that way" where someone matures, or relationships indellably change - usually with a happy ending for all parties except the truly wretched and unredeemable (if they are present).

I realize that if you look at the body of work I have on SOL, you would see a lot of patterns. A "Formula" of sorts.

Consensual BDSM relationships, Blackmail, Semi-Consensual, I've told all sorts of stories. However, there are often Easter Egg cross overs of cameos of characters from different stories. There is usually a shy nerdy guy or teen that serves as my alter-ego in the story. There is often a lot of butt stuff. I don't limit my fetishes. It's whatever I feel *WOULD* happen that happens.

I take a lot of flack for that. There are people who I know immediately go to my stories without reading them and downvote. I sometimes have a submissive male character and that is almost as divisive as bringing politics into a story. It used to tick me off, but I came up with one trick that helped me deal with that.

"Not to give a fuck"

I don't care what they do. If the score is a 5.4 because I had a submissive guy in the story or whatever, I don't give a shit. I enjoyed writing it, someone enjoyed reading it - the end.

The point I am making though, is that 98% of the stories on here I do not enjoy. I won't go into why, other than to say they just don't thrill me. I don't down vote them. I don't send nasty grams to the author. I just move on with my life.

However, I hope that by contributing to SOL, I can influence someone to write a story similar to my own. That's how I started.

I was hooked on Vulgus's stories. He has slowed down in recent years, and what inspired me was to write stuff LIKE he wrote. That's what turns my screws. Vulgus stuff.

I like stories set in relatable situations, often middle-America or trailer parks (because that's what I am from). I like stories involving vanilla people somehow connected to kink. I like flat chests, big fat tits, flappy fat asses, I like wet gaping pussies, so I usually include a lot of that.

It is my hope, that I can bring the number from 98% unrelatable stories I would never read, to maybe 96%.

However, I haven't done that great of a job. I think it's started to wear on me, and so I've slowed down.

I've also not been particularly inspired. I keep having ideas about a story, but I've been trying to find some new idea that isn't quite the formula that you may be used too. I've done fantasy stories about Game of Thrones (And even Fan Fiction of the game Civilization). I've done Civil War and Victorian Era fiction. I've done "different", so I need to find different in a different way but still satisfy my fantasies.

I do thrive on feedback. I used to leave comments on my stories. However, it became a haven for trolls and if you don't check them and prune out the "This is a proper pile of shite, mate." types of trolling comments then I may even miss them.

I used to go to the forums and post, but the community was fairly toxic, and so I rarely got constructive feedback. After Ernest Bywater's passing, I'd imagine it's gotten even worse. He was an author that took the time to offer constructive feedback any time someone asked for it.

I have a couple friends on here, who are kind enough to read my stuff and tell me when I have a grammatical error or a timeline inconsistency. They often share ideas with me. I wish I had more - but those are rare individuals who take the time to do the same thing I am doing - inspire someone to write the stories they like.

If you are wondering what Eddie is doing - I have slown down, but I haven't left. I'd like to do more short stories -maybe even an updated Christmas story for the season. However, the next story after Call Me Misty will be the conclusion of "Humiliation Games".

It was suggested by a friend that I write a Dolcett story. A mysogonist world where women are often barbecued. In Dolcett's art, he drew buxom women who were often very much on board with being barbecued and their main concern as whether or not they would be prepared incorrectly and their meat would be tough.

I couldn't quite tell the story I wanted. I don't have it in me. I told a neat story about a world where women except that they are second class - much like we don't extend rights to our pets. It's technically a Dolcett story but it's rather mild by comparison. I have about 9 chapters to post. I'll finish that story since I finished it. However, I am not sure it inspires or appeals to many. It takes a very eclectic pervert to enjoy Dolcett and I am not sure I did it very well. I didn't jump right into the tits being sliced off scenarios.

Then, I am not sure what I am writing next. I have several half-finished stories that have been fleshed out a great deal. I could go back to one of those, or try something new. Once you let a story sit cold for a while it is hard to pick back up, so it's more likely I'll try something new.

However, it's doubtful I'll return to posting a chapter a day like I used to do. I just can't keep up with editing and produce quality. That's the biggest concern. Without a true editor - I spend days trying to polish one chapter.

Short Stories - When your mom is a slut

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"Mom, why did you name my sister Teresa?"

"Teresa is an anagram for Easter, and I love Easter!"

"That makes sense"

"Of course it does, Alan."

"Mom, how many boyfriends do you have?"

"I don't know. Five?"

"Are you faithful to them?"

"Oh yeah, mostly! Listen, I'd love to stay and chat Alan, but I need to get to work."

"Are you going to work at Amtrak?"

"What? Why do you think I work at Amtrak?"

"Dad said you are always running trains."

"Oh yes, ha, well, I am actually a pipe layer, I love riding pipes almost as much as Mario, but I am going to be late"

"Does that mean i am going to have another little brother?"


I was working on chapter 15 of Call Me Misty and thought about a scenario with an oblivious son and his perverted mother. I also started a rather experimental story set in the Dolcett world at the suggestion of long time collaborator Mike McGifford called "Humiliation Games" - which I am posting slowly as well.

I type slowly, which is good for people who do not read very fast.

I will review your story (conditions apply)

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If you read my stories, and enjoy them - and you write stories that are similar to mine let me know. I am happy to review them.

In addition, I am looking for someone willing to just read my latest stories and give me any notes on glaring grammatical, contextual or plot inconsistencies that somehow eluded me?

I spend a LOT of time editing when I could be writing. It's helpful to know that someone who actually enjoys my stories would be willing to let me know if there is a problem.

I should be ashamed? Oh thanks, now I have a boner.

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When I was a kid, I read a Dear Abby letter about a parent that caught her son playing doctor at a family reunion with a cousin.

She painted his penis with a red lipstick and made him sit out in front of the others to shame him.

It sounds awful and traumatic, but at the time it was shockingly arousing.

It began to shape some of my own tastes. I had a babysitter much like the one in "Keeping the babysitter in line".

(not quite as cool, but looked like her)

She asked me to show her my cock, and she wanted to practice sucking it. She also showed me her pussy - although it was the 1980s, so all I saw was thick black, sweaty hair.

In retrospect, she was an "older girl" who blew my mind.

In reality, she was just a silly teenager, only a year or two older than me with little sexual experience and she wanted to practice in a safe way before she got around the older boy that she actually liked.

The other day I was looking at Youtube, and I saw someone explain why many enjoy humiliation.

(if femdom freaks you out, don't watch, but this isn't really about femdom. It's just an explanation of why shame/humiliation can work as a fetish).

She explains the power shift and behavior causes brain activity that can release endorphins, when giving/receiving or just reading about it. You don't have to be the recipient of it to get turned on by it.

The part that rings true is the increased brain activity and that goes along with reading a story instead of just watching a video. I can read 50 chapters and enjoy it. I get bored in a video and fast forward after 2 minutes even if its about the same things.

Bad Choices Make Good Stories

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I am two chapters away from the conclusion of "The Beatings will continue until morale improves".

It's a story about a shy nerdy kid that is too smart for his own good. He's on a vacation to Panama City with his Aunt and her three daughters. They are stuck in a cramped RV.

In many ways, this sounds a lot like my last story "Hands Full of Innocence".

A shy nerdy kid, stuck on an RV with his family, and his big breasted cousin from Brazil, His Aunt, Uncle and their son.

I write a lot of shy/smart nerdy kid main characters. That's because I used to be one. Now, I am a perverted old man - still nerdy, not as shy.

I think the set up is similar but it's a very different story. I realize as it comes to it's conclusion that there was more I could have told about these characters. They were fun to write.

If someone enjoyed the story enough and wants to continue Patty's journey with her daughters down the road after they drop off Hunter at his parent's house - be my guest. I'd love it!! I am curious what was waiting for them in South Dakota. It probably wasn't Hunter's Uncle Bob.

What is next?

I have several nearly completed stories that need some TLC to be completed. I have only one that is ready to be published. It's 32 chapters in length. That should give me enough time to finish the follow up conclusion.

The title is "Call Me Misty"

I had actually completed "The Beatings Will Continue" about four months ago and went on to write several stories that are not ready to be published. Full disclosure: Call Me Misty has a character named Misty and Hope but they have no relationship to the characters by the same name in the Beatings Will Continue. It's just a bit of a coincidence.

I've posted up an advanced copy of the first chapter. It should be published on the site by the admins pretty soon. It won't spoil anything to tell you that the first chapter sets the scene and establishes the characters.

The main character isn't as shy and nerdy as many past main characters. His name is Michael Hunt (Yeah, he HATES being called Mike. His dad thought it would be funny and insisted on it when he was born).

His Dad isn't in his life much any longer. His mom is and she catches him beating his meet to some bondage porn. In the process of laughing at his humiliation she asks if he actually knows anything about tying up women and expresses some interest in it.

That's as much of a teaser as I can provide you.

In the second story, I have about 17 chapters completed so far. (They all still need editing which takes the MOST time). I decided to split the story to begin with a trip to the ren fair.

I had previously asked a question in my blog about ren fairs. I've observed that a lot of the people into bondage and kink also enjoy ren fairs. I decided to tell the story of an afternoon at one. It includes everything from belly dancers to big breasted women in thin white shirts shaking up seven dollar glasses of lemonade for thirsty dads who love to watch.

My experience at Ren Fairs is that they are for the entire family but they do have some risqué' humor. The best way I heard an entertainer put it was "You only get the jokes you are supposed to get".

If the joke goes completely over the kids head- it's safe to tell it in front of him. If he knows what the joke is REALLY about it, he can handle hearing it.

That was the general idea. You'll see women in skimpy outfits, magic performers tying themselves up in straight jackets, snake charmers, fire breathers deep throating torches, people jumping in mud, and if you are lucky some knights, swords or hawks and medieval stuff too!

I spent the first part of the second book taking the family to one, and I am taking my time with it.

I also have some other half-finished stories or close to finished stories that need some polish. The problem is that if I put a story aside to work on another, it is really difficult to get back into that one and keep working on it.

I hope you will enjoy Call Me Misty. I hope you also enjoyed The Beatings Will Continue. The readership is one of the highest I've had since "Keeping the Babysitter In Line"

That's probably one of my favorite stories. If you haven't' read it - a LOT of me is in that story from way back when. There are 55 chapters and I felt like I created some memorable characters.

In fact, if you are bored and want to read some stories, may I suggest my back catalog?

I rarely see anyone read my old stuff. It's hard to believe everyone on here is an old-timer who read everything I ever wrote. I assure you - my older stuff may not be as polished because I didn't have much help with editing and didn't even own MS word.

However, my new stuff isn't that well polished either.

So check it out. :)

PS: Bad Choices Make Good Stories

I believe that. There are times when we make a bad choice that leads to a good outcome or at least one we didn't expect.

Many of my stories illustrate that, however I do plan one sometime towards the end of the year that I plan to call Bad Choices Make Good Stories.

I was thinking about revisiting one of my oldest and most popular stories "Do You have a Big Dick, why not?"

I wrote it back in 2019 and people still write to me about that one today. A reader suggested that I jump ahead five years.

I may do something else entirely with that title, but it's likely that I will have Karen tell the story about how her bad choices led to her leading a very happy life as what she never knew she wanted to be - a human pet.



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