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I've really enjoyed writing Call Me Misty. The final chapters are being edited now. I expect to post a new chapter tomorrow. I've added unique AI art to this story that you will only see on SOL. I created persistent characters and caption/edit them myself.
I try to enhance the story, rather than tell the story with the pictures. They say a picture is worth 1,000 words, and the first story is 187,808 words, and the second story is 84,102 with three more chapters remaining.
I split it into two parts, because I've found that readers seem to get overwhelmed with longer stories.
I don't understand that. To me, if a story is great, I fall in love with the characters and don't want it to end.
Lord of the Rings, Star Trek, all those stories live on because people love to hear about their journey.
I feel like it's time to end the story after I've told the most interesting part of their lives and shown how they evolved from the start of the story to the end.
In Call Me Misty 2, I also wanted to write about the connection between Ren Faire and BDSM. You'll often find people who are into both at Ren Faire and quite open about it. Leather is a common theme to both.
I included a few of my observations of raunchy behavior at those places. They are PG-13, sort of like an 80's movie. If you ever revisit National Lampoon's vacation (movie version) and think "my parents let me watch this?"
That's the same thing as a Ren Faire. The saying is "You only get the jokes you are supposed to get" but some of the costumes are pretty damned sexy. Especially the tight white bodices with big jugs on the girls that shake up the lemonade. They earn their 7 dollars.
In addition, I feel my NIS Breeder Program may be up there with some of my other favorites like Keeping the Babysitter in Line, and Do you have a big dick? Why not?
I have 75 chapters complete. I modified the NIS format to allow mothers to participate in the program voluntarily as breeders (As long as they are fertile). It's 2047 and population is on the decline, public nudity is legal, and sexual expression is much more tolerated in public.
You can't walk around sticking a dildo up your ass in the grocery store and not expect to get kicked out, but you won't get arrested if you leave. People have the right to be nude in public but in small town Little Rock Arkansas, its much more rare.
Except at the high schools, where they encourage it through the NIS programs. Any student or teacher is free ot be naked, but the NIS students get school credit and have specific mandates to educate and encourage body positivity/sexual positivity and not kink shame or slut shame.
I have also added some AI art to that, and I've got 12 chapters posted as of this writing, and another almost ready to post.
I am not sure what I'll write next. I have several unfinished stories to complete. I love getting reader feedback and suggestions. If you feel like dropping me a constructive note, that's appreciated.
This story is pretty much written, but I still love to hear thoughts and suggestions. I write for free. I'll never ask for money/donations or Patreon. I am not sure my writing is good enough for that anyway, but even if it was, I do this for two reasons.
1 - I like to live vicariously through the eyes of my characters and I get to do that when I write.
2- I LOVE to inspire other authors to give it a try. I write for the most selfish reason of all. I write stories that I would have LOVED to read. If I can inspire anyone to just sit down and write out their idea and post it on SOL, that's awesome.
Especially, if it's like one of my stories, or riffs off some of the characters I created. If you dig Hope and Misty from Call Me Misty, then feel free to write a fan fiction. You have my blessing and encouragement.
It would be quite flattering because it means I breathed enough life into the characters to make someone else fall in love with them the way that I did. They aren't iconic Captain Kirk or Gandalf, and I would never say they were. However, their adventures could continue!
If you never wrote before, just remember that EVERY author on this site had never written a story BEFORE they wrote their first one. We all sucked at it, and most of us have learned over time.
I cringe at some of my earliest stories. I didn't even have MS Word and no editors. I just wrote without spell check.
Now, I cringe at how many errors I find when I free write before I post. Do your best, and don't worry about it.
What I do, and the secret to writing (to me) is three critical things.
1. Pick a time in the character's life that was the most interesting time for them. Write about that.
2. Imagine you are sitting across from your buddy at the bar and telling him a story. If it starts with "No shit, so there we were" that's fine. Just write the story like it's happened and you are giving them the details.
3. Show don't tell. Many new writers "tell" by writing sort of a police report. "This happened, then this happened, then he said this, then that happened."
Don't write a long background, or a report. SHOW the reader what happened.
This is the hardest one of the three on this list to master, and I still work at it.
Instead of "He was nervous" (TELLING)
Describe his body language. "He kept looking at the door and shift his weight from one foot to the other. He couldn't stop fidgeting with his hands"
I've painted you a picture with words. You can see that he is nervous, right?
Don't worry if you can't do that every time. Work on it. Do it. Contribute to the body of work on SOL, and in time, people will start writing more stories you like.
I get inspired by other authors like MaryS, Badgerhole, ByDaSea, Vulgus and Mike McGifford.
I hope I write stories they would like to read. It's my way of paying them back, because money won't cut it.
(And I really don't have any to give, lol)
What began as a "Short Story" about a woman volunteering to help her daughter in a new NIS Program blossomed to 68 chapters. I've just finished writing them all, and now comes editing.
I just posted chapter 9 but I made a few edits if you have already read it. I added one new illustration. I make these with AI, so this is the only place they are available. I trained persistent characters so that I could produce repeatable pictures and consistent results.
I could really write it endlessly because there is no real end for the characters, just a continuation. I had a few arcs in the story that I felt tied together well and, 68 was a good place to end it.
I guess I could have shot for an even 69. There is more in store for Brittany Garner down the line in her life.
I turned on Comments on the story for the first time in years. They were always full of vitriol and nasty grams from non-contributors to the site who want to crap on stories. Someone proved to me today that it's still going on. I feel bad that comments are on by default and people still do that.
I love constructive comments, so if you have any feel free to drop some author feedback.
I am also finishing up on Call Me Misty 2. The next chapter should be up tomorrow at the latest.
So now what? I have some older projects I need to complete, and perhaps reset on. I might start something new and epic.
Every Mother's Day, I plan to write a short story about a day in the life in a kink-friendly family and how they celebrate Mother's Day.
Naturally, they probably do a lot of the same things but I just want to explore the differences and have fun with it.
Yet, I am usually working on some other project and fail to get to it. I would encourage anyone who follows my stories that is thinking about writing to imagine a family that is more open minded and just free write how they spend their day.
It doesn't have to be super over the top. It might be that the Mom and Dad just decided that their kids are older, and had a talk with them about an alternate lifestyle they lead. "Your mom is a hot wife, sometimes we invite people over and they have sex with your mom with my full knowledge. Any questions? good, let's eat."
It might be a Femdom household, where Mom is a celebrated Goddess, and the boys of the house and Dad treat mom special on Mother's day, completing chores, making her favorite food, but making sure that her daughters are also treated like princesses.
Whatever you want to imagine.
In the meantime, let me catch you up on my progress.
I've tried two editing tools. One is Quillbot and the other is Grammarly. They both lead a lot to be desired. Quillbot radically changed many of my stories without me realizing it and I saved them before I figured that out. It simplified the language but in doing, it removed context.
Editing is what takes the longest for me to post. I still get it wrong even after many tries, and rely upon friends and readers to tell me that I accidentally called someone Jen, when I meant to say Julie. I am getting better (I think).
Usually, the second or third pass at after it's published is much less rough.
I have Call Me Misty 2 complete. There are 6 more chapters before the story climaxes. It's been a long road with this story. I had a bit of a hiatus due to personal reasons and came back and found it difficult to pick up after I left off. I think you will enjoy the direction it takes and still be surprised by it.
I also decided to write what I called a "Short Story" about the NIS (Naked in School) Breeder Program. This is an experimental program where mothers come with their daughter to school and not only do the Mothers get impregnated, but they establish and teach consensual, sane power exchange relationships - teaching the daughter how to take an active leadership role.
The story took a life of it's own after I passed chapter three and wrote up all the adjustments to the NIS rules. I am currently on chapter 22. I decided to just post the first two chapters (today Chapter Two should be up) as a preview.
I'll focus on completing that story before posting more of it, and also posting the final 6 chapters of Call Me Misty 2. The first part of it is complete and posted if you are interested in checking out my back catalog of stories.
I tend to have the latest ones first, but sort it anyway you want.
I am still incorporating AI art into my stories. I think it enhances the story, but I am trying not to do too much. I've found that the sites I use have actually gotten worse/less user friendly and not better. I'll ask for a topless big titty lady, and it won't give it to me. I guess that's like life though, right?
Are there any "pregnant" in school stories full of milky tits and fat swollen bellies?
Today, I was inspired to write a short NIS story with that theme. Here is the basic idea:
"Mom, please?"
"Are you kidding me? Absolutely not, Heather!"
"What? Why not?"
"It's bad enough you want to volunteer for the nude in school program. Everyone will be looking at you and touching you, Heather!"
"So? I don't have anything that no one has ever seen before, and my friend Caity is doing it with me. The NIS program is to help teach body acceptance and normalize sexuality. We aren't doing anything that teenagers haven't done in schools across the country."
"You are going to get pregnant!"
"Okay, I'll admit that sounds extreme, but I could fuck my boyfriend and get pregnant on my own. If I do this, I will ensure a free ride, all tuition paid to State College, AND the program will pay me $30,000 to be a surrogate mother for a couple that WANTS to raise a baby."
"You could really give up the baby after you have it?"
"Do you want me to keep it?"
"No, but think of what a pregnancy will do your body at this age!"
"It's all perfectly natural, and it's bound to happen. I can't have perfect tits forever."
The story continues with her brother walking in and laughing about "perfect tits" after catching the end of the conversation. He tells his sister to go for it, and she sneers that he just wants to make perverted comments.
"It's immature guys like you who give the program a bad name, because instead of satisfying curiousity and educating yourselves, you use it to grope girls and gawk at us."
"Hey, I am a guy."
"Well, Heather, if you really want to do this, more than your brother will gawk at you. Are you really sure you want to be naked at school?"
"Yes! I already told Caity I would do it."
"You should have a normal senior year, Heather. Are you really going to prom, butt naked?"
"Why not? I won't be the only one there like that, and it's not like I have to be nude 24/7, just at school events."
The brother interjects again that she should not mind being nude all the time, because "it's just skin" and it's perfectly natural after all, and goads her into agreeing to it. (I don't know about that, just sort of brain storming.)
The story follows Heather and friend as they get pumped with semen in front of the class, and told for the next 90 days, they have to wear a covering over their pussies to ensure that they do not have sex with anyone else (since the donor of the sperm is putting up the 30k for the baby). They can do anal.
Then the story fast forwards to them doing pregnancy excercises, lactating in demonstrations and being examined by students to see the changes in their bodies.
"See how wide their nostrils have become? Their nipples have stretched and elongated, and their assholes are now much wider. Do either of you have hemeroids?"
"Gross, no!"
"It's a common side effect of pregnancy, and perfectly natural."
the story culminates with the girls in NIS giving birth together in front of the class, and potentially wanting to keep the baby after it is all over instead of turning it over for the pay out.
You may have heard of the concept of seven basic plots that ALL myths, sagas, fiction etc are based on.
The meta-plot to them all begins with the anticipation stage, in which the hero is called to the adventure to come. This is followed by a dream stage, in which the adventure begins, the hero has some success, and has an illusion of invincibility. However, this is then followed by a frustration stage, in which the hero has his first confrontation with the enemy, and the illusion of invincibility is lost. This worsens in the nightmare stage, which is the climax of the plot, where hope is apparently lost. Finally, in the resolution, the hero overcomes his burden against the odds.
All fiction that is written is a variation or combination of the following seven recipes.
any characters may appear in a story, its real concern is with just one: its hero. It is the one whose fate we identify with, as we see them gradually developing towards that state of self-realization which marks the end of the story. Ultimately it is in relation to this central figure that all other characters in a story take on their significance. What each of the other characters represents is really only some aspect of the inner state of the hero himself.
I break that rule all the time, but I think a good story definitely has an ensembale central cast. if I am reading Star Trek, I care about Kirk, Spock, Scotty etc, not just Kirk.
The seven plots are:
Overcoming the monster
Definition: The protagonist sets out to defeat an antagonistic force (often evil) that threatens the protagonist and/or protagonist's homeland.
Maybe the monster is a metaphor for a bully or your mother in law.
Rags to riches
Definition: The poor protagonist acquires power, wealth, and/or a mate, loses it all and gains it back, growing as a person as a result.
Maybe in erotic fiction, the son turns the tables on the mom and gets to take charge.
The quest
Definition: The protagonist and companions set out to acquire an important object or to get to a location. They face temptations and other obstacles along the way.
Voyage and return
Definition: The protagonist goes to a strange land and, after overcoming the threats it poses or learning important lessons unique to that location, returns with experience.
Definition: Light and humorous character with a happy or cheerful ending; a dramatic work in which the central motif is the triumph over adverse circumstance, resulting in a successful or happy conclusion. Booker stresses that comedy is more than humor. It refers to a pattern where the conflict becomes more and more confusing, but is at last made plain in a single clarifying event. The majority of romance films fall into this category.
Definition: The protagonist is a hero with a major character flaw or great mistake which is ultimately their undoing. The protagonist's unfortunate end evokes pity at their folly and the fall of a fundamentally good character.
I tend to have comedy in my tragedy stories, so I am probably going to hell for that. Which, I am sure I will find amusing because all of the people that told me I would end up there will be there with me.
Definition: An event forces the main character to change their ways and often become a better individual.
Story like "Resetting my Bitch Button" would be a good example. She is unhappy with how she is, and the catalyst for that change is hitting rock bottom and deciding that discipline is going to provide a better outcome than status quo. She realizes it has to be a fairly dramatic change or she'll waste her time and revert to her old habits.
I also read today The Rule of Three.The third event in a series of events becomes "the final trigger for something important to happen." This pattern appears in childhood stories, like Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Cinderella, and Little Red Riding Hood.
I am not sure if my stories have that concept, but I like it.
Would you agree with any of that? I feel like a lot of stories are often more like diaries of what occurs, filled with melodramatic interactions much like a soap opera. They do not have to go "anywhere" - Luke and Laura's wedding on General Hospital took most of my early childhood watching it on TV and it never seemed to have any real plot at all. I watched it on my grandparent's tv with my grandmother. It bored me shitless.
When I think about story "Tropes" versus the central core of the story - there are bully stories, hot neighbor stories, turn the tables, burn the bitch stories etc. There are stories with different settings ranging from space wars to modern times to victorian era and alternative universes where the rules of reality are different.
Yet, I tend to think that the seven basic plots provide some food for thought to what I should write next after I finish with Call Me Misty.
I have several unfinished stories that are sitting on my hard drive unedited and unpublished to work on next, but I think I'd like to push myself in a different direction for the next story.
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