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I just posted up chapter 9 of "Tig Ol Bitties" a Mind Control Story.
The premise is two big bosomed sisters have both essentially dared their little brother to hypnotize them and implant suggestions.
I am not a fan of MC stories where the subjects are robo-zombies with no will and/or awareness of their behavior.
I tried to research hypnosis in this story, and go with the idea that street magic suggestion and hypnotherapy is very different.
If a hypnotist is doing it right, the idea is that you will simply not crave a cigarette and you will think you never wanted one in the first place.
You won't go "I am hypnotized, so I can't smoke" like Fonzarelli in Happy Days choking on an apology because he can't make one.
You will simply feel like smoking is disgusting and you have no interest in doing it.
How I approach the girls is they are unsure if the hypnotism is working. I want the reader to be unsure as well. (maybe it isn't! no spoilers) but IF it is, then I want them to be like "Well, he is hypnotizing me to do (This thing I enjoy) so obviously I will."
If someone hypnotized me to sit on my ass and watch porn all day, I'd be unsure if it was the hypnosis or something I was just doing anyway.
I also frequently include her trigger words in the dialogue and just hide them in plain sight. There is a reason behind why they were chosen. I know there are entire sites dedicated to mind control stories - and I am probably not entirely unique in how I chose to approach this story.
I'd be curious if anyone knows of similar ones (so that I can read them)?
Or how you might have approached a similar set up of two doubting sisters who are willing to be hypnotized but when their brother starts they start suggesting "Make her howl like a dog!" and the other is demanding "Make her show her tits on command" and the hapless hypnotherapist is only happy to oblige?
What would you do differently?
I got quite a bit of positive feedback on chapter one, but after that it's been all quiet.
I have 28 chapters in total of this story - so there is lots to cover.
A very dainty woman with a lovely ass, and a tight rack went to a car dealer.
While she was bending over to look at the tires of a nice shiny red corvette, she accidentally lets a huge fart rip.
She breaks wind right there at the car lot and is mortified. She hopes no one heard and prays the car salesman is nowhere around.
However, whenever you don't want a car salesman, one automatically pops up like a hard dick.
"Uh, how much is this corvette?" she asks nervously, completely humiliated and hoping he didn't notice.
"Ma'am, if you farted just looking at this car. You are going to shit when I tell you the price."
They fuck at the end.
-A short erotic story by Eddie Davidson
Sometimes I wonder if it would be fun to write a story about someone who doesn't read codes to the stories on Sol and then comments "this story sucks. It has cross-dressing in it. Im downvoting" when that was in the codes of the story
The first chapter of my new story would begin with him falling down a manhole because he saw the sign that said
"Warning manhole" but rather than
Go around as the code suggested, he stepped in it and of course died.
It would be a short story with a very happy ending.
It's been 260,000 words and about a year since I put it aside.
I realized as I was crafting what may be my longest and most epic story that I was truly telling the story of several main characters and not doing that well.
Kim (the original main character) had been the center of the family and she remained the storyteller.
However, her daughters each had their personal journey of discovery. Her husband was experiencing friction from his 'real life' and his fetish life overlapping and the structure that comforted him was eroding and evaporating before his eyes.
Her son most of all was going to go down a rabbit hole of self-discovery and coming of age that involved truly growing up in the course of the story.
It was either write several branching storylines that themselves were epic or simply not do justice to any of them. I chose instead to put the story away and let it percolate.
I completed the prequel "Keeping the Menfolk in Line" which takes place 8 months before the events in Keeping the Entire Family in Line yesterday. It sets the tone for her husband's interest in dominance and submission.
Last night, I sat down to write what I hope is a satisfying epilogue style chapter to the conclusion of Keeping the Entire Family in Line. I could never truly do justice to it if I continued it in the 'day to day' style of telling the story as well because I had developed so many interesting side-characters and after putting it aside for a year - that was challenging.
In many ways, I just felt I needed to bring conclusion to this family that I breathed life into. I had seen things change through their eyes and felt I owed them as much. This chapter won't continue their journey as much as leave it in a place that is well concluded. It is my hope that as you imagine those side-stories and their continuing exploration of kink that you one day write stories like this - as I'd love to read them.
I'll continue concluding Keeping the Babysitter in line (only a few chapters left!) and roll out the Tig Ol Bitties story.
I do have one other to preview. It's a departure for me because I've tried to make it about the 'mundane' ness of a fairly normal family and a fairly mundane girl going on vacation. Since I wrote a story about girls with big boobs (Tig Ol Bitties), I thought it only fair I call this one "Itty Bitty Titty Committee" to give you some idea of who is in it.
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