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Eddie Davidson: Blog


If 2020 and 2021 were a Sex Story on SOL

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I haven't been making the progress I'd like with "Keeping the Entire Family in Line" and I have a few other stories in progress that need finishing as well.

It's been a tough year, and it still feels like 2020 - just in overtime.

I was wondering if 2020-2021 were a sex story on SOL how that might go?

Everyone in masks, afraid to stand within 6 feet of each other, touchless and alone.

The toilet paper shortage hits. It's so bad we have to drag our butts across the lawn (up hill both ways).

Murder hornets appear for some reason, and then like an author with a memory lapse they fail to materialize in later chapters.

When all the Haitians appeared on our southern border, if I were writing the story the President would have dispatched an army of blonde, BBC loving milfs to fuck their brains out. It wouldn't have done much about immigration but it would have been more fun to watch.

The problem is life isn't always like my stories - and its been a real hard one these past two years with no end in sight. I ask that you bear with me while I deal with my creative shortage.

I've got more stories to tell.


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I know it's been slow going with the release of chapters on "Keeping the Entire Family In Line"

This has been one of my favorite stories and I really enjoy their adventures. However, I believe the story may be coming to a natural conclusion. I've said that before and then ended up writing 20 more chapters in a flurry - so here is hoping.

I am wondering if the captioned illustration adds anything to the story? I spend a lot of time thinking about the perfect illustration to add. They say one picture is a 1000 words, so I try to add something that helps set the tone for the entire chapter.

If I do not have anything that particular chapter I don't post anything at all.

I think chapter 39 moves things along very nicely with the story - we see a return of some old characters and another transformational moment for the family. It seems that they have these intense turning points where things change because of a single decision.

I've been thinking about what I will do when the story is over. There are two stories I want to finish - Dolphin Shores (DS) is a "Homeowner's Association" story set in a kink-friendly community in Tampa. I left that family in the middle of it to finish this story. They deserve a proper story!

Here is an interesting bit of trivia: the main character from "Keeping the Entire Family In Line" was originally going to be a featurette in a four-part story called "Best Mother Ever" about four different women who are competing for the ironic title by telling their stories of depravity and perversions.

I was going to write it with Mike McGifford. He would take two moms and I would take two and we would make them compete for the title.

However, Kim struck me as being so perfectly imperfect that I could not contain her in a short story.

I originally wrote the first short story from her husband's point of view and I was going to shift to her telling the rest of the story. That was the genesis for her husband's "Keeping the Menfolk In Line" story.

I basically skipped ahead seven months to what I considered the "Good part" and told "Keeping the Entire Family" from that point.

I often write stories with the intent that MAYBE I will inspire someone else to write these kind of stories. Very few people on this site write that kind of dirty story. I often add side characters like Carl (the neighbor) or Charlotte who seem to have stories of their own to tell with the thought maybe someone will.

Charlotte (Athena's friend) is sort of the "Control" character - a "normal" modern teenage girl. She isn't a prude, she likes being naked, but she isn't nearly as gung-ho as Athena and Myra. I think in the next few chapters you'll see things evolve with her in a way that feels pretty natural. Honestly, I could see writing a follow up story about her life.

She took the job working at their house for shits and giggles. Her parents are seldom home and seem to be going through a potential divorce scenario. She is kind of a blank canvas. If anyone would prefer to write fanfiction on this story - you have my blessing.

Lastly, I'll end my little ramble with two other story ideas.

I'm very enamored with good historical fiction that includes kink. I love French author Pichard and I was thinking about retelling one of his stories (Embelishing quite heavily) and including some of his art work. Thoughts?

I think I'd start with an Antebellum American Slave Plantation in the deep south. The husband's eldest daughter is something of a jezebel and a free-thinker. He is a medical doctor and carefully controls when his slaves can breed so that they are not full term during harvest months. He feels he gets more out of them that way.

He employs some of his techniques to bind and lock his eldest daughters clit/nipples "The devil's playthings" that he uses on his slaves when he doesn't want them breeding and needs them for harvest. The story could begin with him showing her off to a colleague and his wife blushing at the impropietary of allowing a white girl to be paraded around naked in the same manner as a common slave.

Then see where it goes from there as the civil war starts to unfold and the slaves gain their freedom.

Would that interest anyone?

I've also had an idea for a short story where a young man discovers that his little sister will do whatever he tells her. She used to do everything he told her when they were little and one day he tells her to stop hogging the shower.

She normally complains/bitches, but this time he hears silence except for the sound of the water abruptly being turned off "are you asking me or telling me?"

"What is the difference?"

She sighs and turns the water back on, to enjoy a nice warm shower on her huge boobs.

"Fine, I am telling YOU." he says.

She turns off the water and starts to dry off.

"Open the door"

"I am not dressed yet, Brian."

"I am not asking. I am TELLING you"

She sighs but opens the door and stands there dripping wet in the nude. He discovers she still feels he has near absolute/parental authority just like he did when they were little and he babysat her. However, what makes this interesting as a story is that she is not some bubble headed bimbo that gets off on being an extrovert. She seems perturbed - but stubbornly insists on obeying him if he TELLS her to do something.

"Play with yourself"

"Brian, if Mom walks in, we are both going to be in trouble. At least let me shut the bathroom door"

"No, door stays open, play with yourself"

"Fine, but play with myself how? just my pussy?"

"How else would you?" he asks naively.

"Well, if I were going to play with myself I'd lie down in the bathtub and finger my asshole too, and stroke my nipples."

"Fine, you can do that"

"I can, or I have to?"

"You have to."

Indian Erotica

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I enjoy reading Indian Erotica.

Usually, it seems to be about powerful matronly women, submissive sisters, and is told by a very horny (often naive) young man.

At least - this is the kind I like to read.

I tried to write an homage to those stories in the form of "Nehal". It wasn't a very popular story. It is only three chapters. I researched regional dialects, food, etc. However, I could never be certain I got it right.

I asked (at the time) for someone from India to give it a read and let me know what they thought. I never received any feedback one way or the other.

I decided to spruce up the story this weekend. I added a little more content, checked the grammar, and added one story picture.

If you are a fan of India Erotica/My stories and you want something short and sweet - here it is;


Homeowner's Association: Dolphin Shores and other projects

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You Bet Your Ass is one of the most popular and highly rated stories I've worked on. It is 32 chapters of pure awesome. Mike McGifford and I wrote it together as a partnership - so I can't take credit for it.

I was kind of sad to see it come to a close but the story felt like it ended organically.

Mike and I currently working on a "World's Best Mom" story. It is a competition between four women for the ironic title. They are actually some of the worst moms (I guess it's all perspective) in that one is a whore, another is a slave, one is cuckolding her son (she doesn't have a husband so she has developed a cuckold relationship with him), one is, well a whore but her nephew is her pimp.

The plan is to tell each of their stories and at the same time connect the story by the various humiliating competitions and dares they must complete for the title. We are still a long way from completion and a lot may change between now and then.

In the interim, I am working on a side project. One of the most requested stories I get is to tell the sequel to Big Deal in Sunny Manor. This is the story of a family that moves to a kink-friendly clothing optional resort in Florida. (Florida has some weird communities, so its fairly plausible).

That story was SO Epic and felt like lightning in a bottle when I wrote it. I put so many side character's stories into it that I felt it would be difficult to pick up where I left off and just continue from the next day.

So instead, I wrote about a family that moves to a smaller version of that community and I wrote from the mom's perspective instead of the son. She is earning an "Eternity Collar" through a training program at the community that certifies that the slaves have been fully trained to the satisfaction of the community.

It started off a little slow (most of my stories do) but Chapter Seven really excites me. I turned on voting today. My thought is if you make it seven chapters in to the story (And you like the codes of the story) you are likely going to be able to give an intelligent score.

Here is the story:

It hasn't received many comments, and the readership is WAY down compared to "You Bet Your Ass". I don't have an editor (which may account for grammatical mistakes).

It takes a while to complete chapters without a dedicated editor to help guide me/catch my dumb mistakes. I do my best but as I am so close to the story I have read it so much I miss important details or words. Mistakes I can easily catch in someone else's writing will elude me.

I have been shooting for at least one chapter a week. I may end it a little earlier if very few seem to enjoy it. I've been loving writing it though.

I am curious if you did read it - if you have comments/feedback.

You Bet Your Ass Coming to a Close

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270,933 words as I post up Chapter 30.

Just to give you some perspective, The Fellowship of the Ring - is 187,790 words. War and Peace is 587,287 words.

Meh, I am more interested in quality over qantity anyway. We have about two chapters left to post before the story concludes. I have more story to tell about this woman (Carrie) but I think she has had her day in the sun and the story has a natural conclusion that should be satisfying.

Very positive voting/comments so far - more so than any story in the past.

I've started a second project - it involves Femdom/Female Led Marriage. I hate most of the Femdom stories on the site. They fall into two categories:

1. "Fifty Shades of White" - basically mansions, champagne, victorianeseque white people with cruel ball busting women and impossibly wealthy fortunes. The woman is sort of a Super "Karen" and she hates all men.These Stories are often blackmail based. As if it is shameful to be a submissive and the only way a MAN would do it is if he could lose reputation (even though he loses it anyway in the process).

You see celebration of women being submissive- strength in it, liberation in it and yet, not so much in the femdom world.

BTW - I may still use that title for a story "Fifty Shades of White" - but if you like it feel free to snag.

2. The nymphomaniac wife that needs an excuse. So in the second type of FLR/Femdom story we see the wife want to fuck EVERYONE/EVERYTHING/ALL (Except for her husband) and so this is more of the classic cuckold fantasy where the wife is fucking, and maybe she is "forcing" him to fuck her friends.

"Oh no, don't make me eat all those lovely pussies! Oh dear, what will I do!!"


The FLR is a window dressing/background excuse for the wife to fuck who she wants. There is room for these stories but when they are to the exclusion of all else it paints a picture that this is what FLR is.

If you follow any female led marriage blogs, usually the couple are monogomous. The wife just wants her husband to the best version of himself and who he can be. She wears the pants in the family as head of household - and there are often different levels of control but it is really not that much different than if a man were the head of household - someone in the primary decision maker for big purchases, where you are going to go out to eat, allthat mundane stuff.

They don't have to fuck other people to be in a FLR.

So I have been working on that story, I have about seven chapters so far in the hopper. I am happy to share an advanced copy to those who don't mind that they aren't fully edited. I am thinking about changing points of view where we hear from the wife and the husband's perspective. That is always risky but it worked before in stories I've done.

I am working with Mike McGifford on this - so you can expect it to be outstanding (if you liked "You Bet Your Ass") and to even have some interesting twists. I am not saying the characters in this story won't fuck anybody else either - I am just wanting to see some diversity in FLR stories that reflect reality.

I also have a desire to go back and polish some other stories that are unfinished.

Lastly, in sad news I saw that Mister Archie's stories are completely removed and his account appears closed. I don't know if that is because they just eventualy get retired due to inactivity or what. He wrote a great story "Homeowners Association" but never finished it. I wrote "Big Day in Sunny Manor" (one of my best stories to date and its complete) as an homage to that story.

I was thinking about trying another one. I always wanted to write the sequel to that story but I also feel that I added so many side stories/side characters that I could easily pick one of them and just tell their story too. I'll give some thought to that.

In the meantime, if you have feedback/suggestions and so on let me know. I am also curious how the illustrations worked out for you in "You Bet Your Ass".

There are some rules on how the pictures have to be presented if they contain nudity - so I tried my best to include inspirational pictures with each chapter. I hope the webmaster didn't find it tedious. Did it add anything to your experience?



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