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And another, proof-read, tidied up, and in the queue.
More polishing of the prose, with not so much changed this chapter.
Freshly proof-read, this chapter is now in the queue for reposting.
This time round, there have been some real changes, nothing important, but Leri has been brought a little more in line with how she is in other chapters, not least because now I know her a lot better than I did when she helicoptered into this chapter originally. Luke's role is also a tad expanded to cover his reaction to Leri's bikini in a more cohesive manner.
No retcons, but a little amplification.
Chapter ten, newly proofed, is in the queue for uploading.
Nothing major, just the usual tidying and spanking of goofs.
Newly proof-read, with some smoothing of the language and consistency of vocabulary, but nothing new.
In the queue.
Nothing major changed, just smoothed out some of the writing and made Leri a little more present, even if not actually there, yet.
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