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Clee Hill: Blog


Brief update

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For those waiting with bated breath for more Wilhelm, the aforementioned rewrite of Scream is progressing nicely with only minor hiccups. I'm presently just over the half-way mark, and once the whole of Scream has been rewritten I'll start posting that and take down Stone, leaving Scream up 'as is' for those who stumble upon it as a 3rd placed category Clitorides winner.

Interesting, the rewrite with Luke, et al, being 'aged up' a little had freshened the story for me, and between that and the minor changes and polishes being incorporated, the process has lost the 'grind' and regained the 'grand'.

Moving forward, what would have been Stone will need more rewriting than Scream as a lot of things require adjustment, but again, this should help keep things fresh for me. As for what would have been the third book - Sonata - this exists only in terms of ideas, scenes, and an as yet undecided climax to Luke's story. At the moment it can go in one of several directions, with the most likely being slightly open-ended thereby allowing me to return to these characters again one day, and also providing the jumping off point for more stories connected to the Devices, some of which are already in outline.

So I'm not dead, I'm doing okay, the rewrite is fun, and as ever, when it's ready, I'll post.



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When I first started writing Wilhelm the idea was twofold: firstly to give me a chance to try to make an incest story that follows what I feel to be a believable trajectory; and second as a way to work through things from my own past.

However, it has become apparent that spending so much time with certain memories is not good for me. The thought of diving back into those memories is a large part of the reason why Sonata stalled so badly as I simply could not ginger up the enthusiasm needed to continue.

I also bumped into one or two complications which arose during the drafting of Sonata which made the story far more serious than was ever intended, and this can now be resolved in the rewrite.

Consequently, Wilhelm is about to undergo a slight rewrite.

I shall leave Scream up here as is, as it ends on a kind of a 'hopeful open future' which leaves space for the reader to imagine their own continuation, and people might come looking for it following the third it earned in last year's Clitorides in the incest section.

However, from the beginning of September, Sonata will be taken down.

The reason is that the rewrite, under a new title and in which Luke, Stef, and Leri will all be upaged to eighteen, will continue as one uninterrupted story, with Sonata being folded in at the end of chapter fifteen, and what is sketched out as the concluding part of the trilogy (Stone, for those interested in such things) to continue on from that.

The rewriting and proofing has already begin, and once I've got a few chapters in hand I shall start uploading them, though 'new' work from chapter nineteen onwards will come out as and when they are written/proofed.

Hopefully this explains things for those who have been asking.

Also, I'm doing much better now those old memories have been put back into 'offsite storage'. They only really ever bothered me when I brought them to mind, and they are kind of things for which there is no resolution, only peace.

Meantime, the dogs need walking, the Diddley Bow needs playing, and Germain's Rich Dark Flake is the smoke I've been looking for all these years.


Muse on holiday

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For those waiting for the next chapters of Wilhelm Sonata, my Muse has decided to go on a summer holiday, and I know better than trying to force things when I'm not 'in the zone'. Consequently, Sonata will pick up again once my Muse is back, my head is clear, and I can do justice to the story.


The Wilhelm Sonata - Chapter 4 - slight delay

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Slight problem, my dog's hurt his hip, it's not healing as quickly as it should, and he's off to the vet for the fifth time in two weeks, so 2:4 is going to be a bit later than intended, all because he failed to land his entrechat. Hopefully it's nothing more than a bad twist that's just sluggish healing, but boy is he milking it for all the fuss he can get from anyone he can get it from.


The Wilhelm Sonata - Chapter 3

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Latest chapter in the queue for posting, this time detailing what happens when Luke goes on a date with Leri, featuring tampons, ice-cream, a bustier, Leri's bĂȘte noire, and butter.

Also, this chapter might have a goof or two left in, as it's been a bit of a process.

Normally I write out first drafts in full, so I know who is saying and doing what, meaning I don't need to retcon anything subsequently. For some reason, this chapter was more scene sketches than fully written, so when it came to the editing process, there was more creation than normal. Add to that my learning a new word processor (Scrivener) which did something I wasn't expecting and which led to the creation of two side-by-side drafts which had to be merged and then edited again, and it's no exaggeration to say how much I'm looking forward to getting into the heavy edit of Chapter 4, when Leri comes for her sleepover at the Rowden's.

So double points to any oops spotters, and you'll never look at Lurpak the same ever again...




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