1: Deja Vu Ascendancy by AscendingAuthor The monster.
The story of what happens when a 'zero' goes all the way to the ultimate.
This is long, but it's meant to be, and the length serves the story.
Also, there is some really deep characterisation and some profound lessons about personal responsibility.
2: My Girls by unknown1000u2 A pretty unique premise, SF, twins, incest. What's not to like?
4: My Girls III: Truth, Power, and Hope by unknown1000u2 Patrick and family finally learn the mysteries of where they came from, it all gets a bit intergalactic, and we get the door left open for a future the writer never took, it seems.
5: Once More With Feelings by The Night Hawk The first 'do over' I ever read, and still the best. Some great characterisation and an ending that can really get to you.
6: Sleepwalker by Shadow of Moonlite A really interesting use of psychology to 'explain' how a young man is able to walk into the dreamstates of others.
Incest, puzzles, deep thought, and some quite 'challenging' moments.
Be warned, you really need to read all three as there are a *lot* of threads not wrapped up at the end.
Sadly, no fourth installment...