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Clee Hill: Blog


Brief Update

Posted at

Well now, seems like I might have done a little more damage to myself when I fell than I realised. Took about 5 weeks for most of it to resolve itself, but I still have some occasional pain, my wrist is in no way capable of bearing any weight, and I can only just about turn a door handle without it making me wince. Tendon damage.

This means I'm still on 'light duties' at the moment, noodling around other things, just a few paragraphs a day if that as I wait for things to improve.

So for now I'm enjoying the new 1.20 of Vintage Story and writing a couple of shorter things in the Star Trek universe of the original series. At least the conclusion to Greyshough is pretty solid now, I just need to edit/rewrite book 2 and write the majority of book 3 which, hopefully, will go easily since I know where it's all headed - for a genuine The End.


Ah the joys

Posted at

For those wondering, the wholescale rewrite of Book 2 is going well with new characters slotting in, old characters moving out, and plotting changes to accommodate it all.

Unfortunately, I fell over recently and damaged my left hand. It's nothing too bad or permanent, but it does meant that most writing is on hold as I cannot dictate the changes as I edit; I think with my hands when I write.

So there's a slight hiccup, nothing derailing, and giving me a few weeks to think and plot before I get back to it.


For those expecting new things soon, don't hold your breath

Posted at Updated:

The good part is I finished rewriting Book 1 and am much happier with how things work.

I think I might need a few days off as I'm feeling a little burned out because, obsessive as I am, I did the whole thing in 10 days. That's 250k words. Ah.

The less good part is Book 2 is going to need a lot of work, bringing in the antagonist, changing minor characters, and removing a main character. It's also 450k words. Oh.

As for Book 3 where it ends, all I have at the moment are scenes or fragments of chapters where I was basically telling myself what is going to happen. I know how the story ends for my protagonists, but want to add a little more of a threat to them so it is more than a simple walkthrough to the end credits. No idea how many words that might take. Hmm.

So, yes I'm writing again, but Lord do I have a lot more writing to do before I want to start posting. At the very least I want a full draft for Book 3, maybe a second draft (I aim for 3, with the last being a proofreading).


Instead of driving myself insane editing such a colossus, I skim through to arrange a calandar of what happens with whom and when -- and start over, fresh page, and see how that looks. Hmm. It may be time to crack out the old notes and see how doable that still is.

Ho Hum,


The Feels When...

Posted at go back to something from a few years ago with an idea how to make it better, and find it is almost physically painful as you cut a main character out of a story. you had conflated what you had published with what you had written, meaning most of what I was thinking was already in the published story is not.

...when you look how much first draft continuation you wrote back then and see it was a lot.

...when new characters and situations keep you awake as you imagine them through.

Don't go holding your breath, but we'll see. At least I ain't dead.


Open-ended sabbatical

Posted at

A brief update for those who might be interested, but for the time being and for the foreseeable ongoing future, the writing is stopped. Between real life getting in the way too often and too dramatically, I just can't get into the right headspace to continue at this time. I'm doing okay in terms of 'as good as can be, given the circumstances', and it's not Covid or anything like that, it's just that, for now, writing is not consuming me as it used to, and I just don't want to half-arse anything for the sake of it. I can't imagine I'll be gone forever, but it will be a while, and 'Redux' might not be continued, possibly even deleted, as it really isn't the vision of Luke et al that I wanted.

Take your vaccines,



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