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aubie56: Blog


No more story corrections!

Posted at

Please stop sending me corrections to my stories. Most people can read through the typos that sneak past me, but I don't have time right now to do anything about them.

The messages are well-meant, I know, but they just clog the system, and Lazeez has to pay for that wasted storage space. I have several hundred corrections for typos on file, and I may well not correct any of them.

I have too much to do right now to worry about what amounts to trivial typos, so I am asking that people stop sending them to me. I would hate to start blocking messages from people still trying to be helpful, but I have to much work to do to worry about them right now. Thank you, but please STOP!

Bad things just don't quit happening!

Posted at

This is NOT a plea for sympathy, but simply a report on what just happened a few hours ago: my wife of 64 years and 10 months died in her sleep at a rehab facility. She had just had an operation to have 3 kidney stones removed, and the surgeon reported that she did well during the operation, though she was 87 years old.

The operation was a "simple" one and no complications were expected; however, she did not survive. This was not an elective surgery--those stones had to come out right away. We had expected for her to come home after the operation, but the medical people said that she was too weak and needed more time for rehab. Who am I to argue with the professionals?

She had been in and out of hospitals for three months with only five days at home during that time. Because of the COVID-19 scare, I was not allowed to visit her during that whole time, but we did talk on the telephone.

Anyway, the point of this somewhat rambling post is to say that I have pretty well lost interest in writing, and I don't know how much longer that will last. I hope to start writing again sometime in the near future, but I have no idea when that will be.

I will say that you guys on SOL are some of the nicest people around, and I have really enjoyed writing stories that some of you have liked. Goodbye for now.

Story corrections

Posted at

I appreciate the effort that some readers have been devoting to finding and reporting errors in my stories. As I say, I appreciate the effort, but it is becoming a problem for me. My mail box has become overloaded with short e-mails pointing out a simple typographical error made in my typing. The usual thing is somehow not hitting the final letter of a word, such as typing "her" when I obviously meant "here."

I have over 200 stories posted on SOL, and there are just too many for me to process in the limited time that I have available, what with my other duties of taking care of my wife and the house. I have decided that I will use my limited time to write stories and let the trivial errors go by the wayside.

Of course, if you spot a major error like a messed up sentence or using the wrong name for a character, those I want to hear about, but I just cannot handle correcting minor spelling errors or typos. Quite often, the person submitting the correction is the only one who has spotted the error, it is so minor.

Again, thank you for searching my text for errors, but the whole thing has gotten out of hand. I am sure that Lazeez does not want to pay for storing about 250-300 reports of spelling errors and such; that must be expensive!

"Endless Desert" sequel

Posted at

I have gotten several questions about this subject, and I must say that the COVID-19 mess has hit me hard. My wife was recently tested as positive for the virus, and I just don't feel like writing right now. The sequel is started, but I don't know when it will be ready for posting. I'll work on it as I feel like it, but that may not be soon.

I hope that all of you can keep safe! Best wishes to you all!

To all of the wonderful people on SOL

Posted at

When I posted my blog about my wife going into the hospital, I was not looking for sympathy, but was simply explaining why my next story could be late. That's why I was so surprised when I received so many sympathy notes from you wonderful people. In fact, I received so many notes that it is simply impossible to respond to all of them individually.

Therefore, to each and every one of you, please accept this note as my thank-you for the words of sympathy that you so graciously sent. The notes were gratefully appreciated. Again, thank you.



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