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aubie56: Blog


Where Was St. Pete When I Needed Him? #3

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I am about half-way through the last chapter of this story, which is the next one due up, and I have run into a serious problem. My left hand has developed two cases of "trigger finger," and that is making it very difficult for me to type. Therefore, I have had to pause in writing this story until I can get some relief with the problem. I don't know how long it will take to fix the problem since previous fixes have involved surgery, and elective surgery is very hard to schedule right now.

Dammit, it may be weeks before I can finish the story. I am truly sorry about that, but life has been dealing me some screwy "hands" lately.

Where Was St. Pete When I Needed Him? #2

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For those of you who might be interested, I am now working on chapter 24. I don't know how much longer this story has to run, at least in chapter count, because I keep thinking of things I want to add to the story. Actually, I think that this story could go on forever if I really wanted it to, but I am pretty sure that we would all get bored with it long before that happens.

This is going to be one of the longest stories that I have ever written as a single book. I do want to thank all of you who have stuck with it for this long, and I do hope that you will stick with it for at least a while longer.

Well, I guess that it is time for me to get back to writing. I just wanted to bring my friends up to date on where this story stood. So long for now.

Where Was St. Pete When I Needed Him?

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This is a new story that is a little different from what I normally write. I am posting the story long before it is finished. There are 10 chapters written, and they will be posted on Tuesdays and Fridays for as long as I can keep up with that schedule. It is possible that chapters beyond #11 will appear less often, but I will make an honest effort to keep up the posting schedule.

I have had a history of going to the hospital and rehab at erratic times, and that may happen during this posting; however, I will try to keep up as much as I can. Each new chapter will be posted in the queue as soon as it has been proof read and errors corrected, so I hope that there are no problems on that score.

This is a fantasy that just occurred to me a couple of weeks ago. I had started writing a number of stories since I posted my previous one, but none of them interested me enough to continue writing them. Then I started this one which has been a lot of fun to write, and I hope my readers enjoy reding it as much as I have enjoyed writing it.

I know what the outline of the story is, and it is quite long if I stay with it all the way. I cannot guess how many chapters there will be before the end, so I have to apologize for that.

The story is about killing demons and monsters in the mythical universe of Isbardia, but it is in no way a continuation of any of the previous Isbardia stories I have written. In fact, there have been some changes in the overall picture of Isbardia that might change the name of the locale, but I like the sound of that name, so I am keeping it. Just assume that this Isbardia is in a different dimension from all of the other Isbardias that I have written about.

As it stands now, if "Where Was St. Pete When I Needed Him?" falls flat in readership, I will probably stop writing anything for SOL. That should not be taken as a threat, it is just how I feel currently, and it could change at any time.

Okay, so here it is. I hope that you like the story.

Story not ready

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I am sorry to report that I do not yet have another story to post right away. I am just out of the hospital after 2 weeks and have not finished my latest "epic." I will post it as soon as it is ready. Thanks to all of my readers.

New story

Posted at Updated:

I think that I am back to writing again. Writing lost a lot of its appeal when my wife died, but I have been playing around with a few stories, and I have finally completed one. I'm not sure if I will post any more, but I do have a few in the works. Despite requests from several people, I don't have a Western anywhere near ready to post.

This story is 8 chapters long, and is a fantasy. Here is the blurb:

A man seems to spring to life, naked and with virtually no memory. He is standing in the middle of a road in a magical country, Isbardia, full of monsters, both human and demonic. He gets lucky and saves a woman from a potential rapist, and the woman turns out to become the love of his life. They find a map with a mysterious "X" on it, and this is the story of their discovery of what that mark means. 8 chapters, ~35,000 words.

I hope you like the story. I have proof read it, but no one else has. Normally, that would be the job for my wife, but I have now lost that opportunity. I'm not sure how I will cover that situation. More on that subject later, if necessary.

I hope you like "Becoming a Hero." Oops, I forgot to say that the story will be available 6/8/2021, and new chapters would be posted on Tuesdays and Fridays, my old schedule.



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