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aubie56: Blog


Posting stories again

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I think I am ready to start posting stories again. At the moment, I plan to post a chapter on Tuesday, Nov 12. The first story is "I'm Guilty and Proud of it", and it is only about 3,000 words long. The other two stories that I have ready to post are the usual length for my stories, so they will run for a while. I hope that will give me time to keep up the Tuesday posting schedule.

I realize now that my problem was that I was trying to write fast enough to keep to the self-imposed schedule of two chapters per week. Unfortunately for me, I have reached the age of 84, 85 in December, and that was putting too much pressure on me. I think that I can manage one chapter per week, and that is what I am going to try for. I hope my readers will be patient with me and let me move at that rate. Frankly, anything faster than that will probably stop me from posting at all.

Also, let me offer an early wish for a happy Thanksgiving Day for all.

Temporary Burn Out

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It looks like I have written my last story for a while. Every time I sit down at the computer to write, I draw a complete blank! I don't know how long this miasma will last, but I hope that it is not very long.

I have a number of stories that range from over half written to those just waiting for the last few pages of the final chapter. My plan is to get back to them, but I don't know when that will be. Until then, I do want to thank all of my loyal readers, as well as those of you who have come and gone.

If you want to contact me during the interim, I can be reached through my SOL link. In fact, I recommend that as the best way to go. I'll still be reading, I just won't be writing until I can break through this aggravating period of lack of inspiration.

Thank you, and goodbye for now.

Next posting will be delayed until Friday, 8/23

Posted at

I just got out of the hospital ER from a fall. I banged my head pretty hard and strained the muscles in my neck. Anyway, here I am trying to recover. I'm home now, so the worst is over. No concussion, but I do still get dizzy spells. I guess that it is my vertigo acting up.

The next posting will be an alien invasion story, "A Wall of Fog." Here is the blurb:

This is the story of how a small group of humans fight a bunch of alien empire builders as they try to kill every human on Earth by means of a weapon of mass destruction. At first, all they know is that any human or animal touched by a wall of fog dies a horrible death. Eventually, the humans win, but the battle is not an easy one. (9 chapters)

I wrote it some ago, but I am posting it now because I am tired of critics saying that all of my stories are the same. I don't want to hear from anybody that this story is just like all of my others.

"Endless Desert" screw up!

Posted at Updated:

Oh, Man, did I screw up! That last paragraph didn't come out the way I expected. I thought that it would be a cliffhanger for the sequel, and everybody would know that the sequel would straighten things out.

The problem is that the sequel is not coming along as fast as I had hoped. That California thing was a ploy to throw off anybody chasing him. I don't want to say too much here and ruin the next part of the story, but Jimmy will come back to pick up his family. Suffice it to say that they all escape the reservation.

I plan to finish the sequel before I publish it, so I don't know when it will be ready. In the meantime, I will post another finished story.

Rest assured that I have learned my lesson on how NOT to end stories.

More on comments for "The 2nd Amendment"

Posted at

I have reinstated the comments for this story. I did not realize how easy it was to ask Lazeez and his folks to remove a comment that I found objectionable. They removed it for me, and everything is now in happy valley, as the saying goes.

I was so pissed off at what that commenter had done that I flew off the handle. Now I know better, and I apologize to everybody who might have been inconvenienced. I promise to pay more attention to my options from now own.

Thank you for putting up with my tantrum.



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