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Okay, I know we were expecting to post the next chapter of Mayhem in a Pill earlier in the week. But as I was reminded, we are still way ahead of schedule on this. So, rather than having the chapter ready on like Monday or Tuesday, we decided to hold back and make it really good. At least, I hope we did. I liked it, and I guess that's what really counts.
We'll be posting the new chapter sometime on Friday morning. The exact times depend on the vaunted SOL guardians. Hopefully.
I hope y'all like it as much as I do.
Tee hee.
Hey all.
I'm just writing to let y'all know the next chapter of Mayhem in a Pill has been sent into the editing world. When they finish marking it all up, I'll read over their notes and wonder aloud, what is wrong with some people?
Then I'll go ahead and wonder, what in the hell was I thinking when I wrote all that?
And then, we'll go ahead and put the new, corrected version up for your amusement.
Nothing really pithy for this blog, I'm just not in a pithy kind of mood.
The next chapter will probably go up on SOL at the beginning of next week. No exact time because, well, I dunno when I'll fix what they fix or when will they fix what I need fixing.
Yeah, that's right.
See you soon.
Hey there, kiddos.
As the title suggests, I have some bad news. But it ain't terrible news.
I know I was trying to complete the third chapter of Mayhem in a Pill within the final month of the year, but I fell a little bit short of that goal. Sorry.
However, I am only a couple of pages short of finishing the chapter, so I figured I'd take a few days to finish it, and then I would be able to get it to the editors, at least.
However, since I missed my made-up deadline, I'll hang on to the new chapter and fix a few problems that drifted into the text because of my need for speed. Of course, the editors would have probably caught them and then beat me with a wet noodle for messing up. But hey, sometimes, that noodle stings.
So, um, what's going on with you?
No, wait. I better not ask. I'll get too involved and then start offering advice, which no one needs.
I'll just finish off the games for today and then get back into the chapter. You know what? It turns out that when you are writing football scenes, it really helps to watch football! At least that is what I've been claiming to watch: the pro games, college games (I'll call them semi-pro.), and the high school games.
Why didn't someone tell me this sooner!!?
First, thank you for reading the story and for liking it enough to point out what you think is a flaw. Don't worry — you're probably right about the length. However, I do have an outline for the overall story; unfortunately, the outline has several lines, such as "filler of da story goez in heer."
I treat "filler" as fluffing out the insides of a story and/or character and their life in the story. It might not be super important for some of it, but I think it needs to be there to flesh out the characters fully. Otherwise, you are in danger of leaving them as cardboard cutouts and not memorable characters.
I admit I made one big mistake, which I may correct in a future "Bookapy" version. (That'll actually be a perfect way to make the one for purchase different from the one everyone would have read. Let me write that down really quickly. I hope I don't lose that Post-it note!) I killed off A-Train waaaay too quickly. I should have left him as a problem instead of having him be killed off. I apparently also did a poor job of fleshing out Tommy to be an equal combatant for Tim in the future. I'll DEFINITELY be fixing that in a later revision.
Now, I also don't think the second semester will be that extensive of a story because the popularity of football in Texas is a story character all on its own. Texas is king. God, family, Texas, and football... true Texans follow that covenant, but many others move the order around as needed.
Once again, thank you for reading the story and, mainly, for taking the time to write out what you felt was necessary to point out. You were correct; it was necessary to be pointed out.
For now, it's back to the MILF porn for me since I spent a large chunk of the night writing.
It's your pal, ol' Shinerdrinker!
I just wanted to let you all know that, yes, what you are seeing is not a figment of your imagination. I did post another chapter in Mayhem in a Pill.
Don't worry. The world ain't coming to an end just yet. I just found myself in the middle of a writing spurt, and it was good stuff. So, a little spit and polish, and it was deemed worthy of posting. I also think it takes the story along as well.
Okay, that's it. I'm working on the next chapter, and I'm about halfway through it, so keep those thoughts for good writing coming because I think it's working.
Oh yeah, one last thing... whichever one of you has created a voodoo doll of me, can you please scratch my left butt cheek. That's a mean itch on there... NO, not inside! On the fleshy area, that bulbous, fleshy area. Ah. Thank you.
Tee hee.
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