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The number one question I get asked is why can't I get these chapters out faster. (Yeah, I also ask myself the same question.)
I've given the same basic answer... these chapters are both long, and I'd like to think they are pretty decent.
It does take a little longer than normal to bring out. Especially since I don't have a lot of free time. I mean, there's football, and like college football, and now even more high school football, and like MILF porn. There's almost not enough time for the football.
Tee hee.
I'm working on it. I've given myself a challenge, and hopefully, I can get this one. I'm trying to get Chapter 88 of Mayhem in a Pill out before the end of the year. Chapter 87 is currently with the editors, who are giddy and anticipating how people will react to the next chapters. But then again, they have always been giddy and anticipating how people will react to the next chapters.
-- Shinerdrinker
I've been recently receiving notes wondering about the continuation of the "Future Tim" storyline.
Member... you guys, remember.
Tim came back after visiting himself in the past, and the times changed completely differently than he had imagined.
I have, in fact, left that storyline by the wayside. I have NOT abandoned it. I just felt like I had written myself into a corner and saw no good way out of it. Let me repeat... I AM NOT ABANDONING THAT STORYLINE. I can see that storyline becoming an entire book when this one is finished.
So I will return to it. (I have new ideas for it, and now I can outline them into a tighter book.)
I've explained in the past how that entire timeline was a last-second addition on my part that I thought was a cool idea. It was and still is. I just had no idea where it was going to go. I have remedied that since then. But I've listened to the far greater number of people who would like to see this "Teen Tim" storyline wind down to some sort of stopping point rather than continuing ad nauseum. (As would I.)
So be patient, please. I will come around to it. But until then, lemme end this with some good news. Most chapters of Mayhem in a Pill are about 17-20 pages long in LibreOffice. The next chapter is coming along nicely, and I expect to send it to the editors this weekend!
I know. I know. Set up plans and watch what happens. I know I'm tempting fate, but I had to do something since there was no hard-core belief on my part for any of the professional football games for me this weekend. My team played earlier on the holiday and they play later this following week. So I got the time.
However, I did find some high school football on the TV, and that scratched the itch I didn't realize was even there!
So, a quick recap: The "Future Tim" storyline is not abandoned; it is just placed on the back burner. Besides, I need to have something to pump you guys for some cash with a new story, eventually, don't I? The next chapter of MIAP is well ahead of schedule, and of course, I still have the greatest score of fans in the world!!!
Tee hee.
Okay, kiddos! We got the new chapter in the queue.
Tell your loved ones you have to read a report for work or something, and that's why you can't spend the next few hours with them as they destroy your home.
You can thank me later.
Hey there, kids!
Do you like to read? Do you still like movies about gladiators for personal reasons?
Well, the next chapter of "Mayhem in a Pill" is currently pushing its way through the editors. We need to give them some time to come to terms with how their points of view in this wild universe will have permanently changed after reading the chapter. It could be for good, or it could be for evil. I guess that depends on the type of mind-altering drugs my editors have chosen to peruse this weekend.
Mine come in small, 12 oz glass bottles with a logo that says "Shiner" on the side. I'm genuinely partial to them bad boys myself. Or maybe it's just the morphine pills I found from when I was in the hospital that last time it took this damn long to get out a chapter!
Hey, believe me, kiddos. I was thoroughly flogged with a wet noodle for not getting this thing out in a more rational amount of time.
Really. I'm sorry. But I like what came out, and hopefully, the editors can make it sound like I have some kind of idea about what I'm doing here.
I figure we can get this read and fixed maybe over the weekend; if not, then later in the week. Anyway, since my current team is stinking up the football field, I don't feel the need to spend entirely waaay too much time overanalyzing their play. And it is still juuuuust a bit too early to begin work on the 2025 NFL Draft. But you know your boy is already on the case!
So, get started on the next chapter. Maybe I'll get one of those protohuman writing binges where writers sit down and pour out pages over pages of new stuff, and it makes sense. Stupider shit has happened. We all know of a recent example like that.
Thanks. And once again, sorry about the long wait!
I was just finishing up a nice bit of writing for "Mayhem in a Pill" when I caught sight of a show on TV. (I keep the boobtube on but muted while writing.)
It had something to do with Antarctica. Just people in prefabricated buildings were gearing up for a journey from one building to the next because the causeway between the two was not yet completely built or some odd thing. Well, it got me remembering a couple of my favorite stories here on SOL written by the wonderful Graybyrd.
I started wondering "Hey, self, whatever happened to Graybyrd and his wonderful stories about the Masi'shen?" So I went to investigate. Lo and behold, I discovered why he hadn't posted an update or the final chapter of his story. In my defense, I don't really look too often at people's bios after I've read them before. I mean, really, is there much of a need? Unless you've lived an entirely new life in the sum of a day, and you gotta let everyone know. If that's the case, then write an actual story and post it.
Needless to say, the writing muse said, "Fuck this! We out!" I can't say as I blame them, neither.
Yeah, I don't feel like writing much more this morning or for the rest of the day. But I do have a new sixer o'Shiners and not a thing else to do today. My upfront apologies to the editors if I send the newest chapter out later today since there could be more than a few stupid typing missteaks than usual.
I'm so sorry to read about your leaving this mortal coil, Graybyrd, but I'm even sorrier for this universe that we'll never get to know what happened in the Masi'shen sequels.
-- Shinerdrinker
P.S. Yes, I do know about the ReaderInfo Contributor Status pages for such a thing. I just hadn't thought of him until I saw those fools layering up for the short trek to the building through the whiteout of snow and wind.
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