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Just writing to let y'all know the latest chapter has gone through editing and has been returned. I have gone over these corrections, and after several minutes of childish crying, I have submitted the next chapter for publication.
I don't know when that will be posted, but it'll be available for your viewing pleasure soon enough.
What else?
Um, there's not much else to talk about. I'm getting prepped for another season of Fantasy Football. I'm sure there are a couple of you who partake but don't admit it.
It's alright. Someday, we'll be able to come out of the closet and openly cherish our sweet wins over the other loser players.
That's it. I'll get to work on the next chapter as soon as my fantasy drafts are all complete.
Hey y'all,
I found myself on a little bit of a streak this week. I was initially thoroughly flogging myself with a wet noodle. Still, I quickly reviewed the calendar and realized I had not written enough to meet my arbitrary deadline for new material to be released. So, after completely hearing all the lamentations of the women, I set about correcting the error.
In other words, I apologized to the MILF porn creators and told them I was taking the week off, and they could put a pause on their weekly work schedule.
They said they could live with it, but you know that feeling when your wife says she's okay with something, but the hair on the back of your neck is trying to reach around to the front and choke you?
Yeah, it was kinda like that.
But twixt those evil tidings came in the sound waves, and I got some shit written, and it wasn't half bad. So I polished the turd into a shiny, new ball of wax poetica. (Not sure I said that correctly, but fuck it, I'm talking about writing over searching for porn.) It's an Arthurian legend.
Well, not really. It's a continuing story about a kid who gets a hand up on life and now lives it how he thinks he should.
Nice job if you can get it.
The editors will be going over it with a fine tooth comb. (And now all I can see are the two black Spaceballs using a human-sized pick to comb the desert, and they ain't found shit.)
That has to be some kind of key for me to stop and joyfully wait for the editors to fix what I spent all that time breaking in the first place!
Luckily, they make it look easy.
Just checked the stats for the last chapter, and guess what? The total downloads have soared past 6,666! It's not a game-changer, but it's definitely a milestone, especially considering it's been just over a week since we first posted it. And we're already well past the 6,000 mark. How cool is that?
Not bad.
I was asked where did I come up with the title for the main story — funny story about that.
I had a different title when I started writing. (No, I'm not going to tell y'all.) When I was starting the original chapters' post, there was a straight-up question: basically, what's the name of this fuckin' thing?
Only it didn't say thing.
I wrote it in there as a last-second thought perforating my mind like a fart in a crowded elevator, and you're the only one with a slight smile.
I slowly two-finger typed "Mayhem in a Pill" into the box, and so it went from there.
Hmm. I guess it's not that funny. Well, it's funny to me cause I know what the original name was and I ain't telling!
I was going on auto-pilot earlier this evening, and my editors were otherwise engaged since I received the fruits of their efforts about five minutes after the latest episode of House of the Dragon.
How do I know that?
Well, besides the time stamp on the email, I waited until the end of the episode to check if the latest chapter had been returned yet. Within a minute or so of checking, it popped into existence. Pretty awesome.
So I went ahead and checked it out; amazingly enough, there were a little bit fewer corrections than usual. Hey, maybe I'm getting better, or I'm spending entirely too much brainpower thinking about how hard the producers of said show are working to not show a simple nipple from any of its stars. Really, they are using herculean efforts to hide the little bastards.
Oh well.
I've gone ahead and posted the new chapter, and it'll probably end up lumped in with the late-night chapters in the morning. So, if you are reading overnight here in the States or reading elsewhere in the world.
Um, enjoy.
-- Shinerdrinker
P.S. If you don't know already, I pretty much type what comes into my mind when I do these blogs — no need to worry about proper punctuation or spelling. Just bleed on the keyboard. Yep, I don't think I just type whatever comes into my happy little brain... boobies.
I am beginning to think I have to get back to my other hobby since I put it away for the weekend. Christ! That stuff is like morphine!
Tee hee.
--Shinerdrinker, again!
Okay, so I have a little pat on the back for myself. According to SOL, Mayhem in a Pill has reached over 1.2 million downloads so far.
In the immortal words of Bill Murray, "At least I've got that going for me."
I've taken the holiday and used it as an excuse to do a little work on the story. In truth, I was worried it would take a couple more weeks before I had enough time to work on the story truly. But luckily, it came out nicely, and I got a chance to continue working on it this weekend.
So while the editors, who have the latest chapter now, work on polishing the turd I emailed to them into something readable; I'll go ahead and start the next chapter. Nothing is interesting to me on TV this weekend, and I'm good on new MILF porn, so I have time to write.
So, next week, a new chapter will be posted, and you can enjoy your life again.
Tee hee.
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