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So I was going through another reading of The Defenceman; I do so to help fan the flames of some oomph. Hopefully, it gets my ass writing some more. It usually can do the trick.
I know I wrote about Cold Creek and his awesome story, but something hit me like a fart in an elevator. It's not a good thought. But I suddenly found myself seeing a moment of clarity, and all was right with the world. Dogs and cats were living together, and political ideology all put themselves away like a cheaply-made Korean knockoff of a toy we had growing up.
I could see the end of the Dman saga. It was scary, everybody. Not the ending, but what I saw as a possible ending. A flash of remembrance saw Bob Newhart waking in his old bed with his original TV wife, Suzanne Pleshette, and blabbering to her about remembering owning a small bed and breakfast in New England rather than living as a dentist in Chicago.
What if The Defenseman series was simply a dream that Mike Stewart had fleeting across his mind as he buried his father after his fight against cancer and just a couple of years after his mother passed before them both?
Shit. Now I'm depressed.
Fuck! Now I'm mad at myself!
Why do I need to be so damned clever!?!
Ugh. Friggin' brain always on and working on ideas. (Homer Simpson voice)
If only there were some sort of wonder elixir that could dull the senses and make me think I should have followed my muse back in high school and gone to Los Angeles to become the next great rock and roll icon.
That's it! No more writing and/or thinking! You shall put a serious dent into these cases of Shiner Bock, and you will immediately cease all these unnecessary functions!
Shiner Bock... you're my hero!
Maybe next week it will be better, and I'll publish the next chapter of Mayhem in a Pill. Yeah. That'll make it all better, especially for Larry, his brother Darryl, and his other brother Darryl.
P.S. I wonder if there could ever be a Clitoride for blog posts on SOL. I'd clean up since I'm so damn witty and astute in these things.
Tee hee.
-- Shinerdrinker
Oops, don't worry. This ain't a sad post.
I was just doing my every day searches for MILF porn when I came across the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show. I know, woo hoo!
But I also remembered something else: The Defenseman by Cold Creek. It is still one of my favorite story series, and I am still waiting on pins and needles for the next chapter. (Hey Lazeez, is he still at least logging onto SOL? By a quick look at all his stories in Premier, I'm guessing that's a no.)
But I digress.
The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show got me thinking about Mike Stewart's foray into high fashion with his dalliances with Calvin Klein. It has been quite a while since I last read those stories, so I feel it is time to do so again.
I got a little time this week, and I've got plenty o' MILF porn, so I'll give it a reread. I highly suggest you do as well if you're of that kind of thinking.
Toodles to the rest of ya!
Hi again. It's me.
Sorry about the delay. Real life does get in the way. But there is nothing interesting enough to worry y'all's pretty little heads over, I can assure you.
Just real-world obligations and less free time for this.
I have been working on it, but I'm stuck on a personal question about whether or not to put a swerve into this chapter or not. Once I decide that, the next chapter can come together rather quickly.
I've given myself a deadline this week to answer the question on my own. Then, I can finish the chapter and post it for your pleasure. I have not given up on it, even though many want me to do just that.
I won't ask y'all the question because then you'd figure out what I was doing. That also means no opening presents until Christmas morning. As I aged, Christmas afternoon in my teen years approved of the extra sleep more than the gifts.
But I digress.
Um, I'm still writing, just a minor pause. I expect to be able to post... NOPE! Not gonna say it! There's no need to smack Murphy between the eyes!
I'll leave it at this. Still working. Not yet ready, but soon, gentle flowers... soon.
Okay, I told you about the change I made to the next chapter. I was far into it, and I decided on a new way to turn the story, which still follows the outline I am following.
This will now combine the new stuff I've written with the older chapter I already had written. So, I am now on version 3.0, but hopefully, no one will notice the changes. I gotta re-read it all to make sure it doesn't get screwed by something in either version.
So, I'm just letting you know the new chapter is still going to be a bit late, but now I'm thinking of days rather than weeks.
I hope that makes a couple of you happy and that it makes others ready to try to tear down a story that apparently more people like rather than hate.
See you soon.
Also, it might have something to do with playing $4 in the state lottery and winning $50. I'm a little giddy with excitement, so I decided to write instead of drafting a fourth NFL fantasy football team.
Tee Hee.
-- Shinerdrinker
I've gotten several queries about when the next chapter is coming. So, I guess I'll do a little blog post and hope that its answers will get to those who were asking.
As I've said in previous blogs, these chapters tend to average around 20 pages of 1.5 lines on Libre Office. I reached page 12 of this chapter when I made an executive decision.
I'm changing it all.
I'm going back to the beginning, doing a general 180, and reworking the story because, well, I'm getting tired, and my free time is about to diminish. Football season is in full swing, and that does carry a lot of my attention.
So, while I ain't quitting the story anytime yet, it might slow down a bit, meaning rather than an approximate monthly posting schedule, you might need to add on a week or so. On the other hand, if my teams win, I tend to get happy, and I don't spend much time wallowing in self-pity. Instead, I find myself writing.
So, if people want these chapters to come out faster, I wish my teams would win. Tee hee.
So, earlier this evening, I re-started version 2.0 of this next chapter, and I am going with my new idea. I hope this works.
Be mindful of the eventual next chapter release of Mayhem in a Pill. But in my mind's eye, I see you all breathlessly hitting the update in hopes of the next chapter posting, much like my editors, who eschew food and water until they are blessed with the full-unedited pleasure of my words. They have specialized training and have undergone thousands of hours of military training to psychologically deal with the beauty of my words. I trust them to focus on them whenever I go on a little rant.
And no, the editors have nothing to do with these blog diatribes; they're just a little sweet for all my sweet followers.
-- Shinerdrinker
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