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Kynlas_DK: Blog


Name Calling

Posted at

This past weekend someone, who shall remain nameless, emailed me saying I should finish "Jack's Gift". He accused me of being a hack.

I don't like being called names. It does no good to call someone a name. It doesn't accomplish anything and in the end it creates rifts between people. I won't do it and I don't like it.

The only thing this person did was to remind me that my story has been left sitting around waiting to see the light of day and to spur me to finish it. Well, "Jack's Gift" is not done per se. I have spent many hours working on the beginning and the middle leaving only the ending hanging in the wind.

So far, I have edited the beginning making it a bit more interesting and considering I was probably drunk at the time, hopefully it isn't too badly put together.

Here is a repost of chapter 1 for your pleasure.

Chapter 2 later this week and so forth.

To the person who wrote me and called me a name, thank you for caring so much about my writings that you took the time to write to me and urge me to finish the story. Be Well and Live Long and Prosper.

I have a new idea

Posted at

I was thinking while at work today about a story that I read some time ago, "A Better World" was the title. Link:

Now I thought this story was interesting considering what a sci-fi buff I am, and the idea of how would an anthropologist look at the change in our society with the introduction of the WE into our society. What would that anthropologist talk about? What would he notice and document in our society? Well, I'm no anthropologist but I could play one on the internet. Ha Ha Ha

Anyway, one of the other issues is that I don't own this story, can I add to the "world" by righting something in that world without author permission? I don't know, which is one of the reasons I'm writing this post. I would look at it as fan fiction but I'm not sure. Anyone reading this know how to proceed? Please let me know before I waste time with a far fetched idea. Thank you.

Oh, you might want to read the story to fully understand what I'm thinking about.

Not being able to write sucks

Posted at

I am still alive.

Though my writing is dead on its feet. I had several months this year where I was able to write everyday and I added a bunch of chapters to my Paul and Ashlee story as well as my Jack Anderson story. It felt really good.

That all ended when I decided to try and change jobs.

I decided that I want to try a different job because the one I have is becoming very frustrating and I'm sick of other people not caring about what they do (or don't do) and how it effects me and my ability to earn a living.

Two weeks ago, I filled out my back ground check information with the new company, since they offered my a job and I managed to get past four interviews, but the company that does the back ground checking is NOT fast with their work and I am here WAITING!! The waiting is keeping me from being calm enough to write which is not making me happy.

I am hoping that tomorrow, the back ground finishes so that I can give my notice and progress with my career and make something of myself. Hopefully, get back to writing as well. *Sigh*

In the mean time, I'll play WoW and try not to think about how other people are keeping me from making a good living.

A toast!! To those who have jobs that keep me from my new job, may the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits!!


Crowd Writing!

Posted at

Good Evening,

I am in the middle of the next story about Paul, Ashlee and Brenda and I need some help. I need questions.

Let's pretend that you are Jeremy Clarkson from the BBC TV program Top Gear and you were going to interview Brenda, what would you ask her if you were Jeremy?

Please send me good questions that would make sense for him to ask and if they are good enough, I'll include them in the chapter I am writing.

Thank you and I look forward to reading your questions.

I have an update

Posted at

Good morning, Good afternoon, Good Evening, which is ever appropriate to you.

I have been writing since last I posted a Paul and Ashlee story, but I have not yet finished the story. Paul and Ashlee are facing more challenges but they are sticking together. She is a loving, patient and a fun wife for Paul. Paul is fine, but has been injured which is where the story evolves. I am not sure where it is going, but so far, I am enjoying the ride. Even if the ride is at 200MPH!

I hope that the people who have read my stories can be patient with me while I write, my home life is very erratic. I do want to get this done, edited and published before the snow flies again in the northern hemisphere. Right now, the birds are starting to come back, the trees are budding and the grass is still dead (YEAH!). I hate mowing the grass.

Take care SoL readers, make this day a great day.




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