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Kynlas_DK: Blog


Another chapter good enough for reading

Posted at

Here is another chapter good enough for reading. At least I hope it is good enough. Many of the readers here have been very nice to me messaging me, asking that I continue to post chapters so I am feeling pretty good and decided to post another chapter. Thanks go out to the people who care about this story and take the time to write to me. Thank you so much for caring.

Copyright understanding

Posted at

This is a subject that I know very little about. If someone out there knows and understands this topic, please message me. I have questions.

Is a line from a movie copyrightable? Even if the line from the movie was only two words? What if I took those two words and changed their order, would that work?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I know chapter 10 is messed up

Posted at

Sorry everybody, but chapter 10 is seriously messed up. I tried to post only day 2 of their honeymoon but day was some how got duplicated on top of it. I have no idea how it happened, but it did. The webmaster has been notified so hopefully it will get fixed before too long. I am sorry everyone for the confusion.

Two More Submissions

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So I posted two more chapters today. I am kind of happy with the Married story, for now, but later on I will have to work on the conclusion of the story before I can post the rest of it. The story is disappointing to say the least.

I post another chapter of Paul and Ashlee today as well. This story is fun and coming along nicely. This chapter focuses on Brenda and Paul taking a trip overseas for some fun doing something that I wish I could do for real. If only.

Enjoy and I hope that a few of you enjoy it. Lastly, all mistakes are mine and mine alone.

New Chapter Posted

Posted at

Good evening readers. I just posted a new chapter for everyone to read and I hope that you enjoy it. Brenda is back, and for some of you this is important. I remember getting some messages about her and where she is. Well this chapter answers that question and bring her back into the story line. I hope that you enjoy it. All errors are mine and mine alone so please be gentle if you find a few.



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