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Kynlas_DK: Blog


The next chapter coming soon

Posted at 6/14/2017, 8:16:00 PM

I got about a whole chapter written yesterday and after a final read through of the next chapter in my married series, i will be posting it by Friday. So far I feel really good about this chapter and story. It really gives me a chance to work on my romance skill. Which I have found out, i don't have one. Ask my spouse. Ha ha ha.


The reception portion of my story is submitted

Posted at 6/8/2017, 4:22:43 AM

Married at First Fuck, the reception chapter has been submitted for posting. I hope this works out better than the wedding. I don't want to have to write a whole new chapter because I got an idea. Ugh, too much work. Enjoy this chapter. It all comes from the heart, the spleen, maybe even the pancreas. ha ha ha. just not the kidneys or liver.

The problem with being a romantic

Posted at 6/2/2017, 3:01:56 PM

Oh yes, the struggle is real.

I have been working on my Married story, and I have written a second version of their wedding, now I don't know which version to publish. I suppose I could publish both version and let you all decide which one you like, but I just don't know.

I guess I have seen too many romantic comedies in my lifetime. Which reminds me, Tom Hanks in "You've Got Mail" is a good movie. I don't care what Rotten Tomatoes says about.

Back to writing seeing where my story takes me.

One more thing. I received a email comment from a reader that I would like to address. The email called into question my lead's desire to live in a tiny house. My thinking was that if a person was going to change their lives, really change how they acted and thought about their life, they needed to change their environment. Which includes where they live. This character was living in what many would call the lap of luxury with every known entertainment experience available to him. He had food a plenty. He had his parents who let him do whatever he wanted without restriction. Once his dad talked to him and verbally kicked his butt, he changed. He changed what he did with his time and how he lived. It is my thinking that he built his own tiny home so that the change would be real and tangible. Put everything aside and be a show the world that you are a real man, not a man-child.

Take care I will get the next part of Married posted.

New Story Idea

Posted at 4/17/2017, 2:34:58 AM

For whatever reason, I watch "Married at First Sight." I know, I know, what is a man like me doing watching a sappy drama like that? Well, I find it very interesting from a sociological stand point and how modern people handle something that has been done for thousands of years. Arranged marriages have been the norm for people throughout Europe, Asia, India and even parts of Africa. Now they take what has been the norm and apply it to people who believe that you only get married if you are 'in love.'

So I took that idea from the show and I am currently trying to write a short story with my own couple I created. The beginning third is done and I find it interesting, now all I have to do is finish the next two thirds and get it published. Maybe it will be interesting, maybe it will suck the air out of the room and kill everyone. We won't really know until it sees the light of day. We shall see.

More later.

Good Response

Posted at 4/18/2016, 1:05:48 AM

I've gotten a couple of people to give me positive feedback about the continued story of Paul and Ashlee. Chapter 2 has been submitted for posting so I hope that this one is just as good.



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