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Kynlas_DK: Blog


A quick repost

Posted at 1/7/2015, 1:34:12 PM

I was notified that I had made a grievous error in my story that was too embarrassing to leave alone. I fixed them and reposted a coupled of chapters. It is better now.

On a side note, are there any women who read these stories? When I wrote my story, I gave names to three babies and I have not heard from a single person about baby names. I was expecting at least one person to say something about the baby names I chose. Seemed strange enough that I thought I would ask the question.


It is finished

Posted at 1/5/2015, 3:58:03 AM

I'm done. This chapter of the story of Paul and Ashlee is complete. For some of you, it was a good ride that we took. For others, it started off fine, then turned to crap. Hopefully, my next story or chapter of Paul and Ashlee's lives will be better written with few grammar problems. Hopefully.

Any way, I'm done. I'm going to go back to reading while writing so you won't be seeing me posting here until I'm done with the next book. Take care and hopefully I'll get done with something for you all to read in 2015. Here's hoping.

Three Chapter postings

Posted at 1/2/2015, 1:43:41 PM

I got three chapters posted. I hope you like them. I've pretty much stopped preaching, since that was only a small part of the whole story, but that small part really got people fired up and angry at me. Who knew that would get people fired up?

Anyway, I had an e-mail conversation with one of my readers a few weeks ago and told them there was one final person who was affected by the crash that killed Paul's family. Well, that one last person is about to be introduced and the incident between them is going to be introduced. Can you figure out who it is? I don't think you can.

Once this story is done, I'm going to return to writing. I have been asked to continue with the Paul Ashlee story so I'll try that. I'll try to create a new character who also lost family, but from a female perspective. Lastly, I thought about the two worlds thing again. I even found the author who wrote about it as well and was published. My local library is currently trying to get a copy of one of his books brought in for me to read. I'll let you know when it arrives.

For the grammar police who have written me. Other than trying to write a new story, I also plan on going back to my "Lose One..." story and correct all of the mistakes that you have been so gracious to point out. I have kept all of the e-mail messages I have received and will use them as the basis for my corrections. Be Nice! Yes, my grammar sucks. Yes, Word and Google have failed me. But with your help we can fix it and make it better. We will make it stronger, easier to read and able to jump social boundaries in a single bound. It will become "THE SIX MILLION WORD STORY!"

Take care and have a wonderful 2015.

Two more chapters

Posted at 12/30/2014, 7:45:23 PM

Two more chapters in the queue for posting. Which by the way may surprise a few people. Hopefully those of you who have ready my story will still enjoy these next few chapters and then the rest of the chapters since we are getting down to the end of this story. Hopefully I didn't ruin it for you.

On a side note. I have picked up a book from the library on literary agents. When I finish the book I may actually reach out to a few of them and test the waters. This could be the beginning of something big... hopefully.

Again, thank you to the good people who have written me letting me know of the flaws in my writing. I will try to fix them and repost the corrected chapters as time goes along. This whole experience has been an eye opener for me.

Take care everyone and be safe over the coming year.

Next Chapters

Posted at 12/28/2014, 3:10:32 AM

The next two chapters are in the hopper ready to be posted. I hope that they are enjoyable.

The story is drawing to a close and some of the big dramatic confrontations are coming so get ready for it.

I hope that everyone that is reading my story had a great Christmas, mine was good but I'm so tired and ready to get to my day job and out of the house for a while. Family is good, but this much family wears me out. Every been there? Sure you have.



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