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Kynlas_DK: Blog


Have I made a mistake?

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Another Christmas come and gone. I survived! YEAH!!

How much money is too much money to give to a teen? A Wal-Mart gift card worth $100, is that too much money for them to spend on their own at Wal-Mart? It may be and I have a bad feeling about it.

I managed to get all of the wrapping paper picked up, the ham in the crock pot for dinner and now I wait for it to be done. Until then, I'll post a couple of chapters and think about the next book.

Which reminds me, here is part of my idea. We have all heard the Bible story of Adam and Eve, even as children this story is familiar to us. What you say if I said that when the Earth was created in that story that God didn't stop there and created a second Earth just like it but without the serpent around to tempt Eve. Where is this other Earth you ask? Exactly opposite of us in the same solar system that we now reside. Could anyone take that idea and run with it? Maybe? No? Sound too strange to be a story or too preachy? I don't know, this is the strange stuff that floats through my head sometimes.

Merry Christmas everyone and have a safe New Year!

You Ask For It, You Get It!

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I am starting off this blog post by saying thank you to all of the people who wrote me today. Your words of encouragement and kindness really gave me a list today. You all are amazing! Thank you so much for everything!

Here are three chapters for your reading pleasure. Please enjoy them. I read them all this afternoon just trying to make sure they are as correct as I can make them.

Take care everyone and have a good night.

Tough weekend

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It has been a very tough weekend. I had planned on posting more chapters but after a very hate filled message arrived in my inbox, I was shaken. Shaken so bad that I actually thought about not posting anymore and scrapping the whole darn thing.

I am going to finish posting the story, it is done so why not post it. I know that the grammar isn't perfect and the characters have gotten away from me, but I spent a great deal of time working on it, it would seem to be a waste not to post it.

Thank you to the people who have written nice things to me.

Paul's Story So Far

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To the wonderful people who have read my stories so far, thank you.

Everyone that has written me has given me encouragement to finish the story and to continue to write. Believe me, I have enjoyed the experience of writing and the experience of reading your comments. Thank you.

Funny thing is, at least two people have written me telling me that Paul should have chosen Tessa over Ashlee. That is a very interesting idea, one that I had not thought about. I had planned on Paul hooking up with Ashlee and the two of them walking off into the sunset together, it never really occurred to me that Tessa would be a better mate than Ashlee. Looking back on the idea, I see that there are several factors that would make the Paul Tessa relationship tough in the long term.

1) The age difference. Tessa is 17 while Paul is in his forties. That right there will almost certainly doom the relationship.

2) Paul is still friends with John and Krystal and Paul would have to approach them in an honorable way to ask for permission to date their daughter. That would be too weird for even me to write.

3) I fall back to the movie SPEED for my last point. Any relationship based upon an intense emotional shared experience is doomed to failure. I just don't see Paul and Tessa being anything more together than fuck buddies, and even that in the long term is not likely to work out.

I'm sorry, I just don't see it working out for Paul and Tessa in the long term.

Now, I have to admit that I screwed up the dinner with Maureen, Ashlee and Paul. That dinner scene was a disaster, Ashlee AND Maureen came across as money grubbing gold diggers instead of Ashlee coming across as the reasonable one that I had intended. For that, I'm really sorry. It was my intent to show Maureen as the crazy bitch she is and show Ashlee as the wonderful woman, if not a bit strange sexually, she is. When I finally get done with this story, I may have to rewrite that chapter and post it as an alternative. Nothing really hinges on that one chapter so rewriting it won't mess up the story as a whole.

Thank you all for reading and commenting on the story, it makes my writing time so worth it.




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