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Kynlas_DK: Blog


Two Chapters tomorrow.

Posted at

Good Day. I am letting everyone know that tomorrow, 7/1/2024, I am posting two chapters for my story 'Intimate Intersection'. Chapter 3 was rather short so I decided to post chapter 4 as well. 4 was quite a bit longer than 3 so I hope that it makes up for the short chapter. I hope it is being enjoyed, I know I enjoyed writing it. Have a great day and be well.


Posted at

I found this information on the internet and wondered if it was accurate. Ladies out there, comment away. Men, is this information good for you?

Words of encouragement:
1. Write a love letter listing all the things you respect about him.
2. Send him an encouraging text.
3. Tell him “thank you” for something you appreciate about him.
4. Compliment him on his character.
5. Tell him three things that you admire about him.
6. Tell him “I love you” at least once today.
7. Thank him for being a good father to your children.
8. Share two things that you appreciate about him.
9. Tell him what he is good at.
10. Thank him for providing for your family.

Acts of Service:
11. Prepare his coffee in the morning.
12. Make a tasty lunch for him to take to work.
13. Prepare one of his favorite meals.
14. Fold his laundry and put a note in one of his dresser drawers.
15. Make a smoothie with his favorite fruits.
16. Help him with some of the yard work.
17. Make his favorite dessert.
18. Rub his back or feet after a long day at work.
19. Pray for him daily. Ask him to pray with you.
20. Ask him what you can do to help him today.


21. Kiss him often.
22. Hold his hand.
23. Rub his head.
24. Give him a back massage.
25. Squeeze his shoulders.
26. Hug him often.
27. Stroke his face.
28. Rub your hands through his hair.
29. Squeeze his arm.
30. Initiate physical intimacy.


The story is done.

Posted at

Good evening readers,

I had an idea. I wrote it down. I thought about it some more, and wrote that down. I kept doing this until a story was born. That story has an outline and the outline is complete. The story will have to be fleshed out and written coherently and that may take some time.

The bottom line is that I have a new story and I hope to have it posted in a few months. I am going to post a teaser, a press relief from the story to whet your appetite.


New Story Going Up

Posted at

Thanks to bigbustgazer for helping me edit my story and for allowing me to post a new short story in his universe. I thought it was interesting and used it as a challenge that I enjoyed very much. I hope that you enjoy it as well.

Need help finding and contacting an author

Posted at

Good day internet,

I am still alive and still kicking. I know that two of my stories are inactive, but I just can't find a muse to get me through to the end. Please forgive me for that. Maybe something will trigger a writing binge, but until that happens, hang on please.

In the mean time, I have been reading, looking for inspiration in the world and happened to find a story by author Walking Shadow. WS wrote a story called 'Jacob the Breeder'. I have read this story, found it to be inspirational and started writing my own character in that world. I have reached out to WS through the email system on this web site and asked if I could post my writings in that universe. I have not heard back yes or no from WS.

So I am asking all of you, if you know this author who goes by Walking Shadow, please ask them to contact me. A 'yes you can' or a 'no, please stay away from my universe you worthless hack' would answer my question and rest my soul.

So far, 330 pages have been written, dozens of scenes have been written and all I want is to expand upon the universe WS started. So, if you know this author in real life or just have an open communication channel to them, ask them to get back in touch with me.

Thank you all for the writings posted here, I have enjoyed reading many of them.

--- Kynlas_DK



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