If stories involving adults and adolescences make you uncomfortable, stop reading or delete what you have downloaded from my page NOW. There are numerous very good authors included in “SOL Authors” that will satisfy your literary desires.
Don gets involved as a volunteer with the local skating club, where he assists young skaters to get ready for their routines. He meets a young lady, Jayden who has a surplus of talent but not the means to develop it due to cost of equipment and costumes needed to compete, Don the Knight in White Armor comes to the rescue. Your imagination will do the rest. Sadly I have to advise there are no bunnies!
It's an adventure as Paige and four of her friends volunteer to go to Zambia to assist at a coastal hospital for the summer. The different attitude about sex had the girls living like the natives and enjoying every moment.
Dave has been on his own since his divorce, and since then he has many solitary Christmas's. A young girl in need provides him the means for him to enjoy this Christmas season by helping someone. It is all in the spirit of giving and ultimately receiving. A seasonal read, enjoy.
Leigh Rockton meets his new neighbors under difficult circumstances; however, his carnal desire overcomes his hostility. The premise is basically my usual; man meets girl/woman and the rest you know, with a few twists to keep your interest. This is the introduction of possible a new character in my stable of mature men, depending on reader response. One of my proofreaders is excited, however he doesn't count!
Don's young life takes a drastic turn when circumstances make it necessary to move in with his natural father, the redeeming factor is meeting his sister Jordon. A strong bond develops between them. As usual a very touching love story. Enjoy.
Story intro: Don becomes involved with two young teen dance Students, who are selling chocolate bars to raise money for their Dance Academy. After the meeting he is so uptight, he goes out looking for relief from a 'lady of the night' and meets Brianna and Aliyah.
Don locates a deli close to his current assignment. His desire for pastrami sandwich is dwarfed by his desire for Jayden. The young clerk has a devastating effect on him. Don learns she is actually the owner's youngest daughter. Jayden brings love into his life. Not bad for a fourteen year old.
: Jayden's getting married to her love Ron. Unfortunately she had a strong desire for Ron's Uncle Don. Events leading up to the wedding were full of a raging love affair.
With Halloween just around the corner, Don was committed to providing the sound system for the local street party. He had no way of knowing how involved he would get with Tyrese, the Student Groups Chairperson.