The Swarm Cycle is a collection of stories written around a concept introduced by the Thinking Horndog about an alien invasion and Earth's reaction to it. The intent is for it to be a public, multi-author universe after the fashion of the popular Naked in School stories.
The Sa'arm, a tripedal race with some physical resemblance to a cross between a mushroom and a lizard but with a hive mind, is sweeping across this galactic arm toward the center. They communicate by some sort of ESP, and ignore any race that does not. In their path is the Confederacy, a Galactic civilization that universally practices nonviolence -- and Earth...
Interested authors should examine the Swarm Author's page at
It's not always what you know, it's not even usually who you know... or what you know about who. Sometimes it's what the who knows about you... and how well you work with that who.
When you don't think you've got much and few around you seem to agree, reality can sneak up on you. Sometimes you can find that you've had too low an opinion of yourself...
A home isn't a just a place, it is wherever your family is... and where you feel welcome. Even when the family is assembled "out of the blue". / (Reviews)
The continuing adventure of the Tufts Family as they move into the Swarm Universe. Organic Artificial Intelligence, Tonto, continues to evolve and Ellie wows the entire extended family and the Darjee too. Many surprises in this story which is good science fiction rather than lots of sex. Superb editing by Mulligan - thanks friend.
Jake and his family attempt to get the attention of the Confederacy by putting together a prepack. Come along for the ride as Jake learns a little about life, and about himself. The story is complete and I will be posting chapters over the next week or two as they complete the editing process. Story codes apply to the complete story and will not be found in all chapters. / (Reviews)
A Swarm Cycle story. All he wanted was a juicy steak. Sometimes, you get more than you asked for. No sex in this one. Pairings are 'off camera' and only implied.
What do you do when the Confederation comes to town for a pick up and you have no idea what that means? Llewelyn Carter found himself in that position and took the rest of his family along for company. Oops!