The Swarm Cycle is a collection of stories written around a concept introduced by the Thinking Horndog about an alien invasion and Earth's reaction to it. The intent is for it to be a public, multi-author universe after the fashion of the popular Naked in School stories.
The Sa'arm, a tripedal race with some physical resemblance to a cross between a mushroom and a lizard but with a hive mind, is sweeping across this galactic arm toward the center. They communicate by some sort of ESP, and ignore any race that does not. In their path is the Confederacy, a Galactic civilization that universally practices nonviolence -- and Earth...
Interested authors should examine the Swarm Author's page at
A young boy, riddled with a long list of birth defects and physical infirmity's finds renewal, then redemption, and, finally, fulfillment in the Confederacy Space Marines.
A Swarm Cycle Story..Tom Klingman finds himself a platoon leader on a planetary sortie to recover Confederacy technology. Lives are lost, and somebody must be to blame.
A Swarm Cycle Story: A young boy turns 14 before hitting puberty. In spite of this lack of maturity, the rules state he must present himself for CAP testing. / (Reviews)
A Swarm Cycle Story.....Rocky, a seven year old boy has been taken to a Confederacy pod ship at the behest of his father. The problem is, Rocky never knew his father, he and Rocky's mother were divorced soon after Rocky was born.