Angela Candelema is a beautiful, intelligent young woman with a smile for everyone and big dreams for the future. Edward Pembroke is a pathetic pervert who can only dream of having a girl like Angela, but who has the means and desires to humiliate and destroy girls like her.
After being initiated by a john his Filipina mother has brought home from her Atlantic City, New Jersey, nightclub job, small, handsome, sexy, fourteen-year-old mixed Filipino and black Mateo Marcos decides he wants more and finds a man-on-boy dating site on the Internet. There are lots of interested men living nearby and using the dating site, and Mateo begins to sample them.
Dating a guy exclusively can be more complicated than people might think - there's his family to deal with as well. I suppose it goes both ways but in my opinion Steve's family posed much greater challenges for me than my parents did for him. It didn't help that his younger sister was jealous I was having sex with her brother!
This is a story about a man who is a voyeur and talks his wife into teasing him with another man so as to increase the excitement he and both of them would feel.
Ron's one and only turn at being the pornographer and a published porn star in his own production. ("STAR" is debatable!) I'll leave that part for you to decide. My lovely, horny wife SINdora says, "yes" with both thumbs up ... often with me UP her!
What say you? Have fun with this one.