Soon after moving into a new house, Julia found a hole in her bedroom wall that allowed her to see into her parent's bedroom. At fourteen she already had some idea what they got up to behind closed doors, but she was in for some big surprises.
A Incest Theme Stories Story (11) Philip and Mary have three grown children who are all married but so far there have been no grandchildren. Philip is convinced that the daughter and daughters-in-law "don't get it" and he finally decides to take matters into his own hands.
A Chuck and Amber's world Story (1) Niki was enjoying her sophomore year of college. Having grown up more than a bit sheltered, her freshman year had left her with few friends, so when Cheyenne invited her to a party, she left her roommate Amber at home, and decided to try and meet some new people.
Capitallia - Minds, Markets and Class Privilege.
Set in Falconer's Capitallia, someone is subverting the political process. Set in the year 2136, this story of intrigue concentrates on the unintended consequences of controlling society's lowest strata.
A Story in the Naked In School Universe
The Naked in School Program makes its return to England, in a high achieving school just outside London. Will the infamous girls of Essex claim the high school swot?
An wet and wild amusement ride leaves Emma quite exposed. The events stimulates her and her husband into other daring dates. When a policeman stumbles upon them, Emma and her emotions twist and turn in the wind.
A Cheerleaders in Paradise Story (3) Eighth grade was an important year for Tommy and Monica and me. For Mom and Dad and me, too. [Author's note: Once again, the incest code is there for a reason. It's pretty light for now, but if incest bothers you, this is a good story to skip.]