James, a neighbor has a crush on his best friend's mother. While his friend is out of town working, James gets his chance at the woman of his dreams...
Well into the future, werewolves leave Earth and colonize a world of their own, eventually evolving into 5 different breeds. Caught up in the war between her own people and the mighty mountain wolves, Nova finds herself captured by an enemy soldier. After discovering her captor is a gentle prince on a glass throne of violence, she helps him pick up the pieces when the rule of his people comes to an end and find peace in a new way of life.
A young mother tries to keep a roof over her head when she can't pay the rent. This may be the first part of a series - we'll see - it has a longish intro (Ma/Fa) before getting into the main body (Ma/ft)
Carson meets the girl in the woods, and with so much in common they become best friends. Spyder becomes the teacher, and Carson learns the many ways to get along without boys.
A Doctor's Erotic Adventure... Story (5) Patricia is literally surrounded by aggressive Asian females. Although they are friendly and fun loving, when she and Jane Qwan, a Physician's Assistant to one of the Asian Surgeons, both decide to compete with one another for the favor of Dr. Jordan Mackenzie, he suddenly discovers he is surrounded by an abundance of sexual delights. Both petite women are equally sexy! Who will win'"Patricia or Jane?