Everything has a value. Sometimes it's a bad idea to express that value in cash terms, because you might want to make unfortunate comparisons. Another couldn't sleep / middle-of-the-night composition.
Professor Andre Levin is about to marry his 3rd wife. Naturally, his first and second wives will help him greet her and assist her in satisfying him. After all, that's what a harem is for, right? This is a story set in a future where plural marriage is commonplace.
A Molly's Adventures in Brazil Story (1) Raised in the gentle atmosphere of a Minister's home, had done nothing to prepare Molly for her new'"very different'"life style with her new husband, Antonio, a young Brazilian Musician. After a year, she senses he is starting to be attracted to other women. When the two of them attend a wild beach party with other Musicians and their attractive wives'"a most unusual solution to her husband's potential infidelity problem presents itself.
This story is straight out of the dark side. Its primary subject is a violent rape, portrayed from a young woman's point of view. If such stories are your cup of tea, by all means read it and let me know what you think about it. I only ask this: If this kind of story is NOT your forte, then please pass it by. Please don't read it and then score it low because you don't like the subject. These kind of dark stories really only appeal to a small number of people,and I post it for them