A coming of age story recounting the adventures of Becky, Jason, and their teenaged friends growing up in the rural South. These youths discovered their bodies and themselves during the summer of '64 at the secluded old millpond. The story starts slowly, but after a few first-times, catfights, stripping games, and strip searches, the action heats up.
This is a story revolving around The Amazing Spider-Man and the Catwoman. Some liberty was taken with the characters, but I hope it stays true to the originals.
What is the cost of trying to cuckold the wrong guy? Hello everyone, this is a story that I submitted on an 'alternate' forum to very high praise before the moderators opted to pull it after 2 days for being 'over the top' I received a lot of praise and surprising angst for it. So up front I warn you that it is dark and troubling and down right brutal. Read at your own will. After it posts I will add the alternate version that I am still waiting for the other site to post. Cheers -Dys
A Story of the Am'mortal
More than a century ago Akikara the Am'mortal saved a lone Peisti girl from the wilds of the island and marked her as his. Now, invaders have come and with them they have brought atrocities that demand retribution that only immortal fury can bring. And that fury will carry his warning to all and sundry: The House of Akikara shall be inviolate. Note-Reading The Blue Man will make following this story easier. The Doom of Immortality would also help, but is not required to enjoy this story.
A "Delights" novel (1) Part of the Kobekistan universe
The first of 12 books about life in a 21st century Arab country where the old laws of concubinage and slavery still apply. David Ransome has lived in England since he was four, and is a post-graduate student at Oxford University when his grandfather and uncle die, and he inherits the throne of the Emirate of Kobekistan. Read how an easy-going ordinary English young man is transformed by power into a cruel autocratic Emir who is capable of having an annoying concubine strangled.