The story of a young woman who had no knowledge of sex is introduced into that world and finds that not only does she enjoy it but it also can be financially rewarding.
A Twatmas Story (2) A prequel to "Twats the Night Before Christmas"; Harley goes hunting with her Uncle Eddie and Aunt Daisy, and Eddie's April Fool's joke leads to superglued butt cheeks and hunting sexy women. This is NOT a contest entry in the April Fools contest, and is a short story intended to provide a little background on the motivations of some of my favorite characters in the Twatmas story before it's conclusion.
Based on the series 'The Walking Dead', the story follows the remaining family members making their way from Alabama to a safe haven in Georgia. Continuously searching for basic necessities and safety from the shuffling hordes of "biters", Michael, along with his younger brother David, brother-in-law Mitch, nephew Dylan and daughter, Addison, struggle to maintain their humanity in the midst of a chaotic world full of murderous zombies and lascivious human survivors.