Her uncle and his girlfriend teach her about Sapphic love and light bondange with a bit of spanking. Being only 3 years older, her uncle was "more like my big brother growing up."
Lil Red hood's real story, her ancestry, Rhyme friends, incest and the truth about Granny, the Wolf and her naturalist mom on the farm. She becomes a woman and more.
Seventeen-year-old Lauren thinks it's safe to be a cock tease around her cousin's husband. Her cousin has other ideas about the situation.
While Lauren is held down by her female cousin the first time, it is not violent coercion and definitely not rape. It is more a case of her cousin forcing Lauren to admit who she really is, and act accordingly.
The author does not advocate any form of non-consensual sex.
This week, after the funeral of my sister-in-law (my age) we stayed in Lizz’s grandmother’s apartment and she stayed in the guest room upstairs in the retirement home. This first night she came downstairs, cold and sad and sought comfort between our old nakedness. I never knew that deep sorrow could so easily be transformed into a violent orgasm. Or is it the eager hands of me and my love?