An ordinary family from the outside is extraordinarily incestuous within, with the father getting regular blowjobs from his hot, younger daughter. His wife doesn't lose out as lesbian incest abounds in this loving, family tale of sexual interactions mixed with exciting, everyday life. Fiction? Fact? According to the author, there's quite a mix of both! The entire ebook is available for under $4 at Bookapy!
A High School sports hero moves up to begin his baseball career only to have it crash around him. Fate and an old friend re-invent his life when he thinks he can't really be happy again.
There's been confusion over the North / South Carolina aspect of the story. I hope it's finally fixed. Sorry for the confusion.
A Halloween Story
With his wife's blessing and encouragement Bob ventures out on his first cross-dressing foray. Let us say he is deeply impacted by the experience.
A Zane's World - The High School Years Story (4) Julie came home from cheerleading camp with a lot of stories, a lot of rumors, and plans. Then she showed up after school one night ready for our SECOND time.