A mysterious and enigmatic transfer student takes an interest in Minako, and soon implicated in a series of strange occurences near their school. It is then up to Minako to not only clear her friend's name, but to show the girl that life is still worth living, even when a fate worse than death has befallen her.
Told from the perspective of the photographer. A young girl is persuaded to strip for the camera and then perform all manner of sexual acts including fisting, bottle sex and anal sex. Sally consents to everything that happens to her.
A chance meeting at a remote farmhouse and a young soldier finds himself caught in a family weekend. The farmer's sister-in-law is willing and is the farmer's daughter.
A Story in Anna's World
Suzie gets a bet to be a little naughty in public. When she goes to the club to fill the bet, she gets some more filling than she anticipated.
I had known her all my life, for we were the same age and went to the same school. She lived just down the road and we would constantly play together throughout the long hot summer months.
A The Willow chronicles Story (1) This is the first story in the Willow chronicles, in which young Erica learns the hard way why noone ever goes to the clearing around the old willow tree.