14 year-old Francine begins dance lessons under the care of a famous and very strict instructor. For six months she is put through her paces, is whipped into shape and learns her submissive role. She soon discovers the love of the rhythm within dance and the discipline which gives it its beat.
Her selection of Nanny as a career option meant she would be away from the stifling atmosphere of her firmly disciplined home and free to choose her own close friends.
An ex-husband discovers, much to his shock, that there is much more to his ex-wife than he thought when he goes to drop off the first alimony payment since the divorce.
Seventeen plus seventeen equals one thirty-four year old cheerleader's mom eager to wear her daughters cheerleader uniform as her special Halloween costume.
The School Girl Uniform fetish seemed to be so popular now in Tokyo. Miss Asugi decided it was fun to play the game like a lot of her friends who like her were no longer school girls but could wear the uniform and pretend to be one for a single night.
In the first in a series of the prostituting of the fourteen-year-old Gabriel in the Europe of the 1930s, Gabriel is initiated and put to use by an Austrian baron industrialist in Tangiers, Morocco.
A fourteen-year-old boy, feeling neglected, his head full of fantasy and want, welcomes a fantasy man from the beach into the house when he's left home alone.