As far as he knew, Joe Granger was the only Terran being within lightyears, and he liked it that way. But one day at the market on Roku V, he saw something unexpected: another human. Stranger still, she was naked.
A Swarm Cycle Story
Outpost series#3
This story follows directly on the events in Pickup In a Hurry. Follow James as he builds a family and sets off to spy on the Sa'arm
After becoming an accidental passenger aboard an alien spaceship, Matt finds himself flirting with a beautiful Princess, talking relativity with a brilliant scientist, and falling in love with an ugly girl who isn't very ugly at all...And then he has to save the earth.
A young man in his tweens is working his way up to pilot of a Starship by flying a space copter taxi between ground and orbiting spacecraft.
His terror of being helpless, makes him a control freak and determined independent from higher authority also makes him reluctant to accept responsibility for others and possible public censure. A misconstrued non-verbal solicitation of gifts, setting up a gift table, results in little gifts he can never forget.
Four rather plain middle aged women are part of a 2,000 year mission to settle a distant planet, using cryogenics and genetic engineering to stay alive long enough. Yes, genetic engineering. And a long time.
Returning from an assignment, Rae and her crew encounter an unusual swarm of asteroids traversing the galaxy. Witnessing the destruction of a solar system by the swarm, they decide to investigate and discover that the phenomena is not natural and may very well pose a threat to the thousands of inhabited planets that comprise the Galactic Consortium.