Jaime Little is one of the hottest up-and-coming porn starlets in Hollywood... until one bad day upends everything. But when she flees town to clear her head, she begins to find the life she always dreamed of in the place she least expected to find it.
Dale has to get his life back in order after a nasty accident at work has left him a paraplegic. His one bright light is his live-in career. / (Reviews)
A Story in the Wendy's Worlds Universe
William Sutherland and his twin sister, Wili, are run out of town in 1963 for incest. Tripping, they end up on the Oklahoma, Texas border. Bonnie and Clyde, fleeing from law enforcement, have somehow come to the future. The bank robbers gift the twins with a bag of the loot. There is a broken watch in the bag. Wendytoo and David, the younger, find them hitchhiking in 2001. Oh My...
A Dulcie Story (2) Rose-Marie is a shy girl who has been raised in a very restrictive home and is studying hard in hopes of finding a freer life for herself. She's never even kissed a man before she's introduced to Ted Wilson... who is the sort of man girls like and trust, but don't see as relationship material.
Sometimes the most innocent of words can lead to the destruction of a marriage from the inside out. When Jason Thomas heard a particular set of five words from his wife, he knew that his marriage was in trouble. But he was stuck with no idea how to save it and didn't know if it was possible or if it was already too late.
What do you do when your partner can't have intercourse with you any more? Bill's wife Susan has her own solution to their problem; how does he handle it? A motorbike, a 2CV and three lovely women.
A Sean Beth and Roger Story (3) A story in my Sean Beth and Roger cycle. It is now 13 years since the events of 'Twenty Years On.' Rasida, Rada, John and George have now joined the fierce-some Black Guard - the 'badassed' fighters of Ark society.
A Dysfunctional Magic Kingdom Story (1) When a former Marine's life spirals out of control, even little steps, like quitting smoking, sound like a good idea. This was just the first step to a complete rampage through the Magic Kingdom, smiting the wicked on behalf of a very pissed off Fairy Godmother. Lots of gun porn, bad language, bad attitudes, and some extremely nasty non-consentual fun with a very naughty treasonous Princess. Lots of Codes.