A Sex Magus Story (1) "If anyone had told me that sex would become one of the most important parts of my life, I wouldn't have believed them. Of course that didn't stop fate from finding me."
When a gorgeous brunette who seduced him attempts to convince him that he's a modern wizard, or Magus, Seth struggles with the truth. But will he succeed in maintaining his own sanity since the switch between being a town's sexual pariah and having women throw themselves at him is so drastic? / (Reviews)
The third story in a previous unfinished trilogy about a tough man tournament, a female combatant and a revenge seeking opponent. It is a love story of sorts.
He was a grad school loner, she was making ends meet by selling roses in Pablo's bar. After a bit of a rocky start, the two begin to see eye-to-eye on any number of things! Much sickly sweetness ensues, and some stuff that's NOT so sickly sweet.
Did you ever wonder what it might have been like for Jane, a civilized young woman, alone in the jungle, to meet the legendary Tarzan? What would he have thought of this pale female human? How would he have acted? How would she react to the King of the Jungle? What if he smelled... woman... in heat?
A man driven to succeed finally discovers what he'd lost and retires to a remote island in the North Pacific where he lives by himself. A winter storm hits and after the storm, the man discovers an unexpected item on the beach. / (Reviews)
Poravuvu Island in the remote South Pacific is known for its lush tropical scenery and famous fertilizer mines, but what are they growing over two miles deep in a cave in far West Texas? More than a few inquiring minds want to know and their secret just might be worth killing for! / (Reviews)
When war has reached every corner of the known worlds, what can you do? Teen soldiers steal a space ship to try and find out. Once you kill, can you still be a kid? A rewrite of the original story. Plot is the same, so you are warned...
The young girl next door wanted to learn about boys, but I thought she'd learn best from a man. This is the story of how she became part of the family, making me the luckiest guy in the world, and making life much more fun for my wife too...