A story in the Earth 42 Universe
What happens when you give your trust to a fellow professional who's not deserving of it? You could very well end up like Dominic, a broken slave, a prize to be shown off and shared with guests of any gender.
An unexpected decision by all the countries of the world leads to a dramatic change and position for all the women of the world returning to a time in history where women's only true purpose was to be enjoyed by boys and men
Male domination on the weaker sex
I walk to work through the industrial district when it starts raining on this Monday morning. I take shelter under a covered doorway when suddently I'm abducted and I wake up tied down to a stone table. And that's when you walk in...
A Black nerd who wants to be a pimp is able to use the Internet and white guilt over slavery and racism to convince young teenage white girls to voluntarily whore themselves out for him. Eventually, he attracts the attention of a real pimp.
The story of a Kevin, a married man who ends up in prison, and who is forced to accept "protection" from a strong inmate. Kevin soon realizes that he is now the man's slave and his "woman." He soon finds himself wearing lipstick and dresses and whoring for his new Man. Then, one day, he gets the beating of his life.