Two college friends meet unexpectedly in a bar in Bowling Green, Ohio. One finally tells the other the story of his sexual life since leaving school. Tells how he and his sisters share a secret, taboo lifestyle...
18 yo teen finally learns he has a one year older sister who was given up for adoption at birth. This is the story of how he searches to find her...and then brings her back to Miami to live with him and mom. / (Reviews)
An Uncle Bob Story Megan is so happy that she's finally old enough to work at Uncle Bob's car wash. She's even looking forward to wearing the skimpy costumes. But even though she's hung around the place for years, there are secrets she's not aware of. Her curiosity about one secret gets her WAY more than she bargained for. The result is, Megan gets very, very wet.
A Blues Story Jodie just wanted to be with the big kids, in the hot tub. So what if they were naked? So what if her brother was in there too? So what if she had to sit on his lap?
Muffy visits her cousins on the farm every summer, but this year something's different. Her cousins are hiding something. When she finds out what it is, she wants to join in. Then they all find out there's much more to their ancestry than anyone would have thought. What they learn brings new meaning to "It's a family affair".
Molly makes a number of bad decisions and ends up pregnant. No one seems to care except her little brother, who becomes her birth coach... and much much more. / (Reviews)