Motel Mishap - Cover

Motel Mishap

by Robert

Copyright© 2002 by Robert

Incest Sex Story: Two siblings left alone learn the facts of life from one another and of love

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Incest   Brother   Sister   Masturbation   .

Our parents went out for a drink so that left my brother and I in the motel room alone. Only two beds meant we would have to share one. Oh well, I guess I could tolerate him for one night. As we climbed under the covers we said our goodnights to one another, but soon we could hear a moaning coming from the room next to ours.

"What is that Shelly?"

"Sounds like someone's getting lucky to me."

We both snickered when I said that but it was true though. You could clearly hear them now and all you had to do was use your imagination to realize what was going on in there.

I often masturbate at home when alone in my room and now was feeling that urge to do so but how could I with Davey laying right here next to me. Maybe if I was slow and didn't move around much, he might not notice me doing it at all. As long as I was careful with my breathing, especially when I climax. His back is turned to me anyway, so why not.

Slowly I lowered my arm under the sheets and lifting the edge of my panties I ran my hand into them. At home I wouldn't have to do this since I preferred to sleep naked, the sheets of my bed against my bare skin left me with a tingling sensation, more so around my nipples. Thinking of this gave me that same feeling now so I moved my free hand under the T-shirt I was wearing. My nipples quickly grew hard at my own gentle caress, and a much welcome warm feeling began to flood through my body.

The hand between my legs was eager to join in so I began petting myself, it was almost all I could stand already and I had just started of course the sounds from the ajoining room weren't helping either. I was having to fight to keep my breathing steady, maybe I should stop.

The noise from next door reached a fever pitch and by the sound of it there were more than two people in there. I wasn't going to be able to turn back now.

I moved my fingers over and around my pussy lips, a deep tingling sensation had started and I longed to drive something into me. My hairbrush was on the nightstand, could I reach it without my brother noticing. He would surely feel it when I spread my legs, there wasn't enough room between us. He was facing away from me though, if I was careful not to touch him then maybe.

Looking at him, debating whether to go for it or not, I can see he's shaking a little. It's not cold in here it's the middle of summer and the air conditioner is turned off. There's enough lights on so he can't be scared of anything. Just then my hand, a mind of its own, brushed two fingers over my clit, my button eagerly wanted to be pushed and I shivered at my response.

Oh my God, is that what he's doing? I stopped, didn't remove my hands from there respective places though, and looked over, and I mean really looked. There was a distinctive rhythm to his movement that could mean only one thing.

"Are you jerking off?"

Davey screamed and was up off the bed so fast that he forgot to put things away and there, right in front of me for the first time, was a man's erect penis. I could only stare at the length of it, I mean from now on I was going to have to find something bigger than my hairbrush.

Davey looked down to see what I was staring at and realizing he was exposed in front of his sister he quickly moved to straighten out his pajamas. Davey looked like he was going to cry when he looked back at me.

"I'm so sorry Shelly, I really am."

"It's okay, don't worry about it."

"Are you going to tell Mom and Dad?"

"Of course not." Davey looked quite relieved. "Besides, I was doing it also." My brother's mouth fell open.

"What, but how, I mean you don't have a, well, you know."

"What, a penis, it's called a penis Davey, I thought you'd know that by now. Besides, girls don't need one to do it, we have other ways."

There was a definite increase in volume from our neighbour's room and Davey looked uncomfortable just standing there.

"Come on, come back to bed." I pulled back the sheets, I had by now removed my hands from where they were, and Davey crawled in beside me, in fact right up alongside and started hugging me.

"What's this for?"

"For not being mad."

"Of course i'm not mad, it's normal, everybody does it, nobody talks about it though."

Davey was still hugging me, his arms over and around my shoulders so I returned the gesture, it was more comfortable that way. We laid there quietly, well, except for the ever constant sounds of love making that seemed to radiate from the walls.

"How do you do it?" I wasn't bothered by his question, I just wasn't sure how to explain something he's probably never seen, afterall he was only twelve. Sex Education in school would be something he undertakes next year, as I already have.

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