Capitallia - Minds, Markets and Class Privilege.
Set in Falconer's Capitallia, someone is subverting the political process. Set in the year 2136, this story of intrigue concentrates on the unintended consequences of controlling society's lowest strata.
A Lexi's Investigations Story (5) The boxes from Grandma's house contain floppy disks from when Lexi's mom was a teen. What happened on those church retreats she wrote about? And what's with the porn site her dad frequents?
A Incest Theme Stories Story (11) Philip and Mary have three grown children who are all married but so far there have been no grandchildren. Philip is convinced that the daughter and daughters-in-law "don't get it" and he finally decides to take matters into his own hands.
A woman going through a divorce and her three daughters move into the small home of her sister-in-law, her husband and their three sons. One son and the three daughters must sleep in the basement.