Tom was a bad boy bending over the babysitter and his wife cuts him off until he finds suitable employment. She calls in her younger sister Sandra to help with the baby and housework while she works overtime at the bank. Soon Tom and Sandra are getting lots closer than expected and the fun begins.
Cindy never expected them to open up the Boy Scouts to girls. It was an opportunity for her to get away from the cookie sales to actually camping in the woods with boys her own age and learning the tricks of survival that the boys did to earn the coveted merit badges and allow her to become an Eagle Scout just like them. She was ready to make whatever sacrifices were necessary to reach that goal. Her brother Jimmy would teach her all she needed to know to find new friends.
Henry and Hailey are twins, so Henry fervently wishes, anyway. Hailey is actually a manifestation brought on by his schizophrenia. Only is he really, and is she? What happens when granted your most fervent wish. (Note that Henry also wrongly thinks he's gay. Hailey shows him otherwise.)
What seems to be a wife's innocent lie to her husband leads her to an evaluation of her marriage, and ultimately a question about her husband's fidelity.
Joy Crump lives in Surrey and loves to do dares that her sons give her. She's the local strumpet and most people in her small village have seen her flashing. Her nephew comes to stay for Summer Holiday and comes away with more than he bargained for.