Master And Mr. Sybian - Cover

Master And Mr. Sybian

by Master Jonathan

Copyright© 2021 by Master Jonathan

BDSM Sex Story: jade has been a problem submissive for Master Paul for too long. He takes her to another Master to see if he can make something useful out of her. But Master Thomas has a friend... a Sybian machine that can help hold her attention!

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Coercion   Heterosexual   Fiction   BDSM   MaleDom   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Illustrated   .

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Today was the most horrible day of my life. It all started a couple of days ago. Master Paul and I had been having problems for a while – no matter what I did, it didn’t seem to be what He wanted. After being chewed out and being told I didn’t do this right or didn’t do that right, I started getting fed up. Can you blame me? I mean a sub can only take so much! So I started messing up on purpose – I figured if I was going to get blamed for it anyway, ya know? But I guess Master Paul had finally had enough of me.

“Tomorrow, jade, we will be meeting with Master Thomas, a friend of mine. You are being given to him. You and I have not been working well together, and rather than continue a pointless attempt to keep this relationship alive, it is best if we simply move on in our separate ways.”

But, Master ... I...” I protested.

“Now jade, you know that I am right. You yourself have complained that you can’t do anything right any more. I don’t blame you for this, jade – it isn’t your fault and it isn’t mine. We just don’t see things the same way any more, that’s all. I would rather see you happy with someone else than miserable with me. Master Thomas is a good friend and he will treat you right. He and I agree on a great many things as far as how to treat and train a submissive. I think you will be happy with him ... otherwise I would never have agreed to this. I still care about you jade, despite our failure as a couple, and I want to see you happy and successful.”

“Yes, Master. I am sorry that I wasn’t all you wanted me to be. I am sorry I disappointed you so,” I said hanging my head.

“Well as I said it is no one’s fault entirely. I have not been the Master that you need either. But hopefully, Master Thomas can mold you into the submissive you yearn to be better than I.”

“Yes, Master. I will miss you though.”

“I will miss you too, jade. But this is for the best, trust me.”

I did not pursue the matter any further. I really did not want to be given away and I was hoping I would be able to continue being a submissive to my Master. I was secretly hoping Master would change his mind when he realized that I would be gone. Alas, it was not to be. The morning came and Master’s decision to give me to Master Thomas remained. So sadly I went about packing up my belongings and prepared to move in with what was to be my new Master’s home. I also mentally prepared myself for the changes that he would undoubtedly want, whatever they may be.

The time came far too soon and Master packed my things into the trunk of his car. Then he seated me in the front of the car and went around to the driver’s seat himself.

“Now, jade, when we get to Master Thomas’s place, I don’t want any tears. This is going to be hard enough on us both, so let’s just get through it as quickly as we can, understand?”

“Yes, Master ... but I can’t make any promises,” I said, honestly.

We arrived at Master Thomas’s house after about a hour’s drive ... the longest hour I had ever spent in my life. Master Thomas lived in a very respectable neighborhood and his home was a large two-story Victorian-style house built as I understood in the early 1900’s. It sat on a large, well-manicured lawn which featured a circular driveway which came up to the front of the house and passed between the house and a large fountain out front. The house had a full wrap-around covered porch on three sides and a separate three car garage. A very nice place, from the outside!

After Master had stopped in front of the house, he got out and we walked up the steps to the front door. A ring of the ornate door bell brought a well-dressed young woman to answer the door.

“Yes, may I help you?” she said.

“Yes, Master Paul here to see Master Thomas.”

“Oh yes, Sir. I’m sorry! Right away, Sir!” she said instantly lowering her head and eyes. She stepped aside “Please Sir, come in. I will tell Master you are here.”

We entered the home and I began looking around. This Master Thomas did have a nice home ... he obviously had money. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad after all...

That was when I saw him ... the man who was to be my new Master.

I loathed him and his smug cocky expression at first sight. He was older than Master Paul, considerably older. At first I thought I could never submit to such an old man. Master Paul was 32, seven years older than me at the time. This guy must have been at least twice my age!

“Hello jade,” he said. “It’s nice to meet you. Master Paul has told me all about you. I hope we can work together to help you find your way and become the submissive you are meant to be.”

“Yes Sir,” I said hanging my head. I wasn’t real pleased with this arrangement so far. But it was either become a submissive to this Master Thomas, or ask for my outright release. Neither prospect appealed to me.

The first thing he did was have me stand in front of him with my skirt raised for a pussy check, threatening to spank me if I wasn’t damp. I promised him that I was (Master Paul had taught me I should always be damp and ready at all times), but he was resolute, piercing me with his gaze and fondling my pussy until he was satisfied that I was as I claimed.

I could feel my cheeks burning from embarrassment and I wanted to crawl away someplace and die. Sure I understood that a Master has every right to use me as he saw fit. he would soon own me and when this occurred, Master Paul still owned me and he didn’t object either. So I had little recourse but to allow this old man to fondle me as he saw fit.

But my humiliation didn’t end there. With my pussy thoroughly mauled and my pride all but erased from my psyche, he then ordered me to undress. In front of him and Master Paul. Well what could I do?

With my face flushed as red as a tomato, I began undressing. I removed my blouse, folding it and sitting it on a chair next to me. Then I removed my skirt in the same careful fashion. I reached up and unhooked the front of my bra and opened it to expose my 34DD tits, which did get an appreciative look from the man I would soon be calling my Master.

I paused for a moment to let him get a good look before I proceeded. Hooking my thumbs under the waist of my tiny panties, I pulled them down past my hips and let them slip down around my ankles. I stepped out of them and stood before Master Paul and Master Thomas completely naked.

I knew better than to try to hide any part of my body, no matter how embarrassed I might be. So I stood there arms at my side, my feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, head down and eyes on the floor just as my Master had taught me when being inspected.

Master Thomas walked around me a couple of times, checking me out, touching me, and looking me over like he was judging some prize animal at a county fair.

“Hmm ... very nice. Master Paul, you have a fine-looking submissive here. I am impressed, Sir. Thank you for bringing her over. But does she perform as well as she looks? As you know there is more to being a good submissive than just eye candy,” he said.

“Be my guest Sir,” Master Paul said.

Master Thomas nodded graciously and then turned to me. “On your knees,” he commanded.

I knelt down in front of this Master, proceeded to unzip his pants, and fished around for his cock. This I expected. I’ve been a submissive for long enough to know that a sub that can’t give a decent blowjob is just about as worthless as a wooden nickel.

I have gone down on several men during my time with Master Paul, and a few before him as well, and never had one yet who complained about my performance as a champion cocksucker.

But, what I didn’t expect was the monster I freed from his pants. Dear God, it was the biggest I’d ever seen! I couldn’t even close my fist around it. No way would I be able to fit it in my mouth! I licked along its mighty shaft, while jacking it off with my hand. I prayed that he would cum quickly, but that wasn’t to be.

“Suck it slut,” he said, grabbing the back of my head and forcing me to take it in my mouth. “Don’t just play with it.”

Frustrated tears welled in the corner of my eyes as I struggled to stretch my lips around his enormous head.

“What the fuck?” He murmured. “Are you fucking useless? You act like you’ve never sucked a cock before.”

This doddering old fucker had the nerve to ridicule and analyze my performance! Kneeling there, choking and gagging on his cock, I looked at him with pure hatred in my eyes. Who did he think he was? He didn’t own me yet!

I glanced sideways at my old Master to see if he would step in for me, but he looked at me with a serious scowl on his face as well. I knew he was not pleased at my performance either. I stepped it up and began trying harder. I had to please these two men or I would really be in trouble!

The bastard met my gaze, his eyes gleaming evilly. He chuckled, grabbed the back of my head, and thrust his hips twice, jamming his cock down my throat for a moment. I was choking and unable to breathe. I stayed there in position as long as I could before tapping his leg, my signal that I needed air.

He held me in place for a half-second longer before he thankfully pulled out of my throat and began to thrust in and out with shallow strokes. It was still big enough that it banged against the back of my throat, but at least I could breathe. He tilted my chin up so that I was forced to meet his eyes.

Like a dog trainer breaking in a new pup, he smiled as I glanced back down docilely, my hateful stare a distant memory. My first day with my new Master and there I was, on all fours between his legs, communicating my dependence the only way I could in this position, slobbering and sucking on His monstrous cock.

“That’s my girl,” he said. “At least you aren’t untrainable.”

My tears fell faster and my mouth grew tired and raw as I tried to pleasure him, tried to get him to cum so that he would stop his oral assault. Finally, he began to thrust faster. “Oh God, here it comes!” he gasped.

Finally! With an aching jaw and chapped lips, I was never so glad as to feel hot cum shooting into my mouth. At last ... it was over...

I don’t know how I endured that first day with Master Thomas, but it was a walk in the park compared to the next day! That day, I woke up as usual. After getting dressed in the clothes my new Master wanted me to wear (which admittedly wasn’t a lot!), I went into the bathroom to put on my makeup.

Master Thomas, like my previous Master, liked me wearing the dramatic evening type eye makeup and red lipstick ... at least I didn’t have to buy all new makeup for this new Master! Once I was dressed and had my makeup and hair perfect, I went downstairs to get Master’s breakfast ready.

When I walked into the kitchen, I could tell immediately something was up. Master Thomas was sitting there waiting for me.

“Come here,” he said pointing to the floor in front of him. I knew what that meant. I came forward and knelt in front of him, head down and eyes on the floor in front of me waiting for instruction.

“Today is the start of a new chapter in your life subbie. So let’s start with establishing a few rules, shall we? First we need to come up with a new name for you. Your old Master called you jade, is that right?”

“Yes Sir,” I replied, cautiously.

“Well, I am not sure why he picked that name, but as your new Master, it is my prerogative to pick your name and I think a new name for a new life is a good idea, don’t you?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good. Now because you just started and we haven’t seen how we work together I am going to give you the temporary name of toy. Because at this point that is all you are ... a toy, a plaything, something of interest for now. How long you hold my interest is yet to be determined.”

“Yes, Sir. My name is ‘toy’. Thank you, Sir.”

“That’s another thing, you are to address me as Master from now on. I was ‘Sir” yesterday before I took possession of you. Now that I have, I am Master. Understand?”

“Yes Master,” I said swallowing hard. It would be hard to address this man I hated in anything resembling the same frame of reference as my old beloved Master. But I had little choice, He was the Master and I was the submissive. my duty was to serve him in every way.

“Now, your former Master has talked with me at length about the training he has done with you and while I agree on most of it, I am of the opinion he was too lenient on you. Do not get me wrong, I have the utmost respect for Master Paul. But I believe the reason you and he did not work out was because he didn’t challenge you enough. That will not be an issue for you anymore, I can assure you,” he said.

“Yes, Master,” I said. I wasn’t sure I liked where this conversation was going.

“Now to start off, I want to see how you perform for me,” he said. He reached forward and grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled me down onto all fours. “Come,” he said and pulled me along, indicating he wanted me to crawl alongside him. He led me into the living room. The moment I turned the corner into the living room I saw it.

The thing had a half barrel shape mounted on a large central leg. The barrel part was padded and leather-covered. The leg was made of wood and had large legs coming out in four directions to stabilize it. Sitting in the center of the saddle a very real looking dildo pointed up luridly.

My heart sank, followed quickly by my stomach and jaw. I couldn’t even formulate words to express my shock.

“I see you’ve met your new trainer, my little slut!” Master Thomas said. “Why don’t you come over here and I’ll let you two get acquainted.”

In a state of numb shock, I crawled over to the device, wondering what on earth this was all about and feeling my stomach churn as I crawled. Whatever Master Thomas had on his mind, well, he could just forget it. This was clearly over the line.

“Master,” I said. “I don’t know what you expect, but I mean, didn’t Master Paul tell you about me?”

“Master Paul is no longer your Master slut,” he said. “You now belong to me and since the Slave’s Contract you signed gives me the right to expect a loyal, dutiful, and motivated submissive, it also gives me the right to train you as necessary.”

“But I am loyal, dutiful, and motivated,” I whined.

“If you were as you claim, your Master wouldn’t have given you to me,” He continued as though I didn’t speak. “But since he did, your training is up to me. Now, meet your new personal trainer.”

“Look, there’s no way ... I – I quit,” I stammered.

“Well, let’s look at that move a little more carefully, shall we?” he started. “First off, you live here with me because you do not currently have a job ... your ‘job’ is that of my submissive. Do you have any marketable skills that would allow you to work outside this home and support yourself?”

“No sir, but...”

SLAP! Master Thomas slapped me hard across the face. My cheek stung from the force of the slap and tears welled up in my eyes.

“I said you are to address me as MASTER slut!” he said angrily.

“Yes Master. I am sorry, Master,” I said, trying hard not to cry.

“Can you hibernate? Or do you have someone who will support you?”

“No Master, but...”

“Does the idea of being homeless on the street surviving by handouts from whoever will take pity on you appeal to you?”

“No Master,” I said, hanging my head.

“Then I suggest you get familiar with Mr. Sybian here,” he said, patting the top of the device.

He reduced me to tears. I hated the situation I was in, I hated Master Paul for giving me away like he did, but most of all I hated Master Thomas.

“Say it,” he repeated smugly.

“Hello, Mr. S ... sybian,” I stammered. I had been defeated at every turn. I had no choice.

“Now hand me your panties and I’ll help you get mounted.”

I handed them to him and the bastard held them to his nose and sniffed. Then he handed me a bottle of lube and told me to coat the dildo. I did as he bid, and then mounted the huge dildo. And it was huge, let me tell you. I had a hard time getting it all in, but Master moved behind me and pushed down on my shoulders.

“Oww, oh, Master! “ I whimpered. “It’s too big.”

“Oh, I’m sure that big girl pussy of yours can handle it,” he said, still pushing down.

“No-no-it – oh Gawd...” And then I was firmly seated on the vinyl saddle, my sex filled and taunt around the latex cock. I noticed several buckles and straps on the sides of the trainer. At first I didn’t know what they were for, but I soon found out. They were ankle and thigh cuffs, and Master wasted no time locking me down until I was secured tightly to the saddle with no way of getting off without assistance.

“Now we will see just how much you have to learn,” Master grinned, turning and walking away, leaving me mounted on my humiliating perch, as he crossed the room and sat back in his leather recliner.

Blushing, trembling, crying, and inwardly cursing, I did my best to adjust my position to hide what had been done to me. What had he done to me? And why did I deserve such terrible treatment? Ok maybe Master Paul and I had our differences. And maybe I had been a bitch to him. But this ... this was unconscionable! I could feel the heat from his eyes as they burned into my soul. Oh how I hated him! I wanted to stab him in the heart with a butcher knife!

“The Sybian you are sitting so prettily on is controlled by this remote,” Master said, holding it up for me to see. “Would you like to see how it works?” he said, grinning evilly. “What, no smile?” he said.

I forced one to my lips, even though my eyes screamed, “Die you fucking little worm!”

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