Britney McMasters' MORFS universe
Emily Owen is in her first year of university, she's a shy quiet girl who tends to hide in the background. All that changes when she undergoes MORFS and changes in ways that make her stand out much more. With help from room mate Nat she tries to make her way dealing with the attentions and problems her change brings. As if dealing with a new body weren't tough enough she has to deal with the attentions of an obsessive ex boyfriend who just won't accept that things are over between them.
Wally was short thin boy that was usually picked on. He was nothing special but his mind was odd. Centuries earlier a king fled his planet after his throne was usurped. The ship was nearly destroyed and somebody very special had to be found to repair it. / (Reviews)
A story set in the Pinwheel Universe
When a shipment of weapons goes missing on a remote mining colony, Agent Boyd is sent to assess the situation. What he uncovers is a plot to take control of the planet, but during his getaway his spaceship is shot down. Stranded on the planet's moon and with only his survival suit at his disposal, he must find a way back to civilization, all while trying to deal with an unwitting alien companion.
Ben Hart lives a drab, unexciting life in 2345 with very little hope that his life will improve. Then he gets in trouble with the law. After that, life gets very interesting indeed. This is the Prequel to Community Service.
A Demonic Issues Story (1) Phil Walker was a normal man-until demons invaded his mind. Eager to understand his visions, he seeks answers, only to face hostility from the police. Does it matter if he's technically insane if he cures hundreds? As Phil battles his inner demons, he wrestles with where they originated and how they impact him and his health. However, the question remains: are his unusual skills an otherworldly phenomenon, the results of disease, or a gift from above? / (Reviews)
A Falling to the Past Story (1) A California nerd from 2006 falls back into 1847 where he finds romance, adventure and sex. Will he survive in a world where his views are so much different from everyone elses?
Aliens are no different than humans...well, there are a few differences, but the basics like the need to reproduce are the same no matter the species. Of course higher intelligence makes for a basic need as well...
A Time Storm Story
Our overworked home business owner hires a live-in housekeeper. He is pleasant but insists that it is his house, his rules. Her 'daughter' becomes quite the tease. 'Mom' gets competitive and ups the ante. However, the Boss hates a tease who can't deliver, so enforces a dress code. The Girls pay the embarrassing price, willingly, to their surprise. As do their friends when the new, very strict dress codes are enforced. The Boss is not unhappy when the teasing becomes a game. He can play, too. / (Reviews)