A Story in the Rings of Domination Universe
A teenaged boy stumbles on a worthless antique in an abandoned Mansion. He finds it is the Angel Uriel's Ring of Domination with power over females and magic.
A starship from a different solar system discovers a solar system which is long past destroyed. What they find there will shock their entire belief system. Much different from my normal stories.
Being marooned on an uninhabited island with a beautiful woman should be great. Right? Right? No sex in the first chapter. Perhaps he will get lucky later. There has to be a first time for everything.
The Miskatonic Institute has cloned a dinosaur from fossil DNA but so far only a male and they have no way of studying his mating behavior without a suitable surrogate. Sexual congress defined in dry scientific terms.
A story in the Sex Robots Universe
Lollibots and Lolliboys come in all colors, hairstyles, shapes, and sizes. Want a robotic teen hottie who adores doing blowjobs and anal? Maybe huge tits or a big dick on a lovebot who looks 14? How about a Futa-bot, with both? For a very reasonable price, you can have a sexy Lollibot or Lolliboy of your very own! Hurry! Special 30 percent off sale ends soon!